
Wednesday, Nov. 13, 1946 ACCION Page SPORT preof MARITIMER SPEAKS AGAINST STATUS QUO FOOTBALL ENDS seasoned volley ball players of reaks during the tournament TIED UP Silver City.
of the province of Panama which came to a brilliant close Panama Olympic football MERCURIO CLUB HOLDS PARTY Thursday.
team ended the international series in San Salvador on even special series is on tap The finalists meet the Gold Alberto Tony Griffith and terms with the Salvadorean All the two high schools. The norfor La Boca Normal School and Coast champions next week for his Astoria Orchestra provided SPORTS CHATTER Stars for the best performance malites tangle with Silver City right to represent the Repubthe national titles and the music for a delightful party Humberto Aleman, hard of an Isthmian soccer squad High November 22 at Silver lie in the Central American held by Club Mercurio at La punching amateur bantam in contests abroad.
Boca, Friday night. Nov. 1, weight, shaded Negro Panay in Olympics.
the senii finals of the Paper Anderson, the spearThe champions of the provThe get together was spiced Clympic boxing eliminations. head of the forward line was by dance interpretations Wilfredo Brewster tackles Es ably supported by Rangel and Spicy intramural volley ball ince of Panama are: Fernanlo track and field techniques. Mit calante Thursday at the Natio Martinez, Tejada was a tower leagues are being conducted at Blanco, flyweight; Humberto chell Clovis, high jump ace, ral Gymnasium in the finals of strength on the back lme. La Boca High. The Normal Aleman, bantamweight; Wilgave a rhumba description of ior the province of Panama.
Octet and Sextet are setting fredo Brewster, featherweight; the pace in the girls and boys Efrain Gomez, lightyeight; ArTaba Wilson doing the high Joseph Thomas defeated ClaySCHOOL SPORTS circuits, turo Arboleda, weiter weight; jump and drew an encore with ton Clarke, Inis Welch, and David Bernal, middlewieght; his impersonation of Reggie other ranking sprinters. The La Boca won the junior high. and Jumbo Median, heavyBeckford deepbreathing exerPanamanian Olympic football volley ball tournament of the Amoteur boxing hit new weight.
cises, team has sailed for El Salva Facific Side schools by defeatJosefina Lewis, national hur dor for a three game series. ing the boys and girls of GamSPORTS CHATTER cles champion, went through Local promoters are demand boa at La Boca and trouncing the mechanics of hurdling to ing that Jackie Robinson ac the Red Tank teams at Red the tune of tantalizing music company the Brooklyn Dor Tank. Pacific and Atlantic fin.
OLYMPIC TRACK TEAM. Kicketts took the measure of Cirilo McSween, quarter mile gers to Panama. La Boca alists meet at Paraiso Novem. Coach Bellizaire girl athletes Benskin and Prince in the 900 king, in partnership with Jo Jr. High boys defeated Gam ter 23 for the Canal Zone title. are in better condition than hut bowed to Benskin in a sefina Lewis, scored with his ioa 15 2, 15 in volley ball.
the boys. Amy Foster and Car stretch drive in the 1500.
nigh knee action stomp and The La Boca girls also were men Worrell should run one Arturo Thomas sped over the Papussing the baton danzon.
victorious, 15 15 10.
La Boca senior high slam two in the Central American 10 meter hurdles in 15, for nama Olympic track team mers journey to Gatun Satur Olympics. These girls had a the best time of the year on Much credit for the success jeaves for Barranquilla No day to engage Silver City in Sunday. Foster won by inches is now clearing the bar at thrilling duel in the tials held th Isthmus. Sylvia Forde of the party is due Fernando vember 28. Lloyd La Beach the first game of the volley Barnett, director of the Auto will arrive in Panama Novem ball series. Boys and girls will in the 100 meter dash in 12. feet 10 inches. She is a fav ria Orchestra, who offered the ber 20 to join the track team participate. La Boca They ran a dead heat in the orite in the coming Olympiad.
copped service of his musicions with that will compete in the Cen the soccer championship but 50 yard run. Clayton Clarke. team of quarter milers, out charges.
tral American Olympics. will be hard pressed by the was extended to the fullest to McSween, Ferguson, Matthews, defeat Clifford Loney who was and McLeod, will run a special followed by Joseph Thomas 4x110 relay with the sprinting and Luis Welch in the cen team of Brown, Welch, Loney, tury. St. Clair Brown sig and Clarke, next Eunday mor11 nalled a return to peak condi ning. Arturo Grant is bution by trouncing a strong rining up the track in the 5000 field, which included Clarke, and 10. 000. Many important Editor mines respected no color and ment the principles created Thomas, Welch, and Loney, in changes in the track team will ACCION only red blood flowed.
and made manifest during the Sir: How can these people forget war. These principles you well the 200 meter event. Luis be announced this week.
There are those on the Ca so quickly? Or is it perhaps know. They are framed in the nal Zone who wish to maintain they never held these princi program of the CIO and held the status quo and who cons ples in their hearts but remain forth by over six million memciously plan and work to be ed silent out of fear? Now Lers of all races, creeds and co IMPORTANT NOTICE fure it is maintained. In doing that the war is won and the lors. Under the banner of the this they attempt to obstruct loody, violent issue of free UPW CIO you will build so and prevent and if possible en dom of Nazi slavery has been tha the dead shalihinotvorene are hereby notified that the date set for the IsthAll members of the Constituent Assembly tirely destroy, any move the part of the people to free anti democratic, anti union ele effort you can be confident of mian Convention of Local 713, United Public themselves from the shameful ments foverishly working to the full support of the NMUpolicy of discrimination, in cancel Workers, is out everything equality, and the almost incon which the people fought. Can It becomes the responsibili. SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1946 9:00 ceivable denial of the elemen they get away with it? Will ty of every man and woman tary democratic rights. This in they succeed where Hitler, on the Canal Zone interested At La Boca Clubhouse spite of the proven loyalty of Mussolini and Hirohito failed? in preserving the peace and the Canal Zone workers amply The answer lies with you. Only seeking a decent and secure draft of the proposed constitution will be demonstrated during the war. a strong, fighting, progressive life to assist the UPW in bring mimeographed and distributed to the represenThese people apparently do not union that holds for equal ing democracy to ALL the recognize the facts. They blind rights for all people can best jeople. Only in that way can tatives for study. Approval, rejection, or amend themselves to the principles guarantee that it shall not hap they best protect themselves. ments may be introduced at the convention. Eve1or which the war was fought. pen again. This is the best Canal Zone workers: BUILD ry Chapter Secretary is requested to submit a The war time leaders of the answer to those on the Canal STRONG UNION! Draw in Fig Three, Roosevelt, Stalin, Zone who would deny the Atlan those thousands whose aspira complete list of his representatives and indicate and Churchill, told the world te Charter. It is the answer tions are the same as yours. Whether the representative is eligible or not eliin those critical days that vic they understand. Well do they Spread the principles of the gible to go to the convention.
tory would bring democracy, know that democratic unions CIO. the same principles for security and peace. All agreed representing the best interest which the great Roosewe were fighting and sacrafic. of the people are the main and velt gave his life! Prove to ing for the common good. For toughest obstacle to the main those who would maintain the this, mlilions died! Among tainance of the status quo. status quo that their Hitlerite For An Enjoyable Night them were all races and colors. It now falls upon the Canal ideas are doomed!
Of Dancing With Reliable Torpedoes, bullets, shells and Zone workers to further imple.
Fraternally, AJ paysem S01015 Radios Pick Ups Loud.
cleaned and steam pressed NMU er.
speakers, Visit: to customers satisfaction, Joyería Violeta Universal Cleaners NEW OFFICE 11, 180 Guerrero, Colon 6070 Ave. Balboa Tel. 426. Colon, THE WORKING MAN DRUGSTORE Balboa, Nov. On Saturday Nov. 2, the office equipHEALTH ment and personnel of Local Sastrería COMFORT 713, UPW CIO moved from RICHARD SERVICE the offices of the EA.
CHASE HOME DELIVERY. Tel. 316 tu the new CIO office in the Fine Custom Tailoring basement of building No. 905 THE LA BOCA 11th of BOLIVAR AVE.
across from the restaurant, Av. Central y Calle CLUBHOUSE Facing Masonic Temple Bldg.
Altho the organization is open No. NEW SHOE REBUILDING for business there are many SHOP things to be done to the buildAT LAST: ing to bring it up to specifi(Below Clubhouse Building)
cations. The new office is a UNIVERSAL THE PROGRESSIVE BOOKSTORE Modern Machinery lot more spacious than the last Shoes Repaired While is able to offer the public the best in Magazines, Books, School one and will take care of much CLEANERS you Wait Supplies, Greeting Cards.
of the departmentalization. Ave. Balboa, No. 6070 Open from 30 to p. pp Calle Estudiante 104. doors from St. Paul Church Thanks to the PCW. IEA. for Tel. 426. Colon, the hospitality shown during Watson Pron. CARRINGTON, Prop.
the past months for CIO.