
Page ACCION Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1946 About Adverse Editorials Voice of the Membership to as the same launches as the Canal Seamen. This charge is hour with the pilot and Canal By COMMON SENSE split as: if a launch takes one The matter of adverse edito might have undertaken.
This is a membership forum. It a place to blow Seamen from the dock to ship rial opinions seems to be ocWe should never concern our your tops criticize, suggest, state your ideas. Letters are cupying the major part of our selves with unfavorable edi limited to 400 words. Dangerous or libelous letters are and returns, this one hour time these days. To the rank torials to such an extent not siutable for publication. All letters must be signed.
charge is split into two (112 end file member, adverse edi. have to be seeking the opinion Names will be withheld upon hour for pilots and 12 hour request. The union torials, especially those for Deckhands) and at the end that of these very same editoriastrength has been built by the participation of the mem of the month, the total amount tend to label the UPW CIO lists that are so narrow mind.
bership. Constructive criticism has always been in order.
is handled as a divisional as communistic, should never ea, prejudiced, and bigoted.
Sate your views through this column.
charge, therefore no be regarded with the deep con The UPW CIO is a democharge against seamen should be cern with which they are now cratic American organization.
regarded among us. am in More democratic than a parti Tditor 2:0 cents goes to the division made. clined to agree with this. Divisional charge is one cular morning daily that dis. ACCION charge launch for handling After all, editorials repre. torts the news in order to preDear Sir: which is made for the convenseamen to and from ships sent only the opinion of an sent it along the lines of its After forty years, the people boarded. think that although ience of that Division; and if ečitorialist in line with the po illiberal policy. More democra who have felt, known, and the Panama Canal charges a Pilot takes the same launch licy established by the person tic than this local paper that realized that they were much per trip for each canal seaas canal seamen since his or persons that own the paper. has been editorializing against like peons, working for some man, no deduction should be charge is made divisional the Canal Seamen At times this policy is the re one group of people as long one else who pays you very made from the silver men for should also be divisional, charge sult of the great assistance Metal Trades Council little, someone who compels a divisional charge. This large that a particular clique or or has been fostering the prin you to shop in his store for is for the efficient operation is known, sends electricians. The Mechanical Division, it ganization can offer the paper. ciples of discrimination on the your needs year in and year of the Panama Canal, and as welders, at workmen, to ships Other times this policy is mo Canal Zone; even more demo cut, can now look up with new there is no other division be to handle repair work. At the tivated by the pressure that cratic than this same news hope.
sides the Marine and Dredging end of the month this charge an organization can bring to paper that is one of the lead Your appeals in the past division which has launches in bear upon the newspaper. The ing exponents of the system were met with reproach. You the Panama Canal, this charge pense. Charges for Canal Ses is handled as a division exnet result in these instances of divide, conquer, and rule.
were told that you were bet should be absorbed by the di men can be handled in a Leing that this particular cli It should be no surprise that ter off as you were. And yet vision in a manner similar to milar manner.
que or organization is never we have been the victims of you were the most loyal people the charges made against Pi.
criticized nor rebuked editorial the most unfavorable news to be met anywhere. You were Transportation charges lots, Customs Boarding Offic Panama Railroad can be also ly by this newspaper, paper propaganda that any lo happy to pass this word along ers, Doctors, Commissary Di handled as a division charge Sometimes it is only after a cal organization has ever suf. and remain just peons.
long period, even as much as fered during the past four loyal and happy to work for vision, and Mechanical Divi at a flat rate charge which is sion, etc.
twenty years, that there might months.
the master, happy to carry done in all divisions, appear an editorial or two that The only reason for such un your master and your master My point to this argument is agree with you that the would be contrary to the poli favorable publicity is the ar. burden.
that because the Canal Seamen Canal Seamen should have recy of a paper. These editorials rival of the CIO in our midst. The CIO is here! Yes, the are employees of the Marine ceived this 00, but had to right, in a small degree, score Naturally, no prejudiced or bi CIO will cut us apart, and Division, as are the Canal Pi. get the right information bethe practices of principles of goted person or group would away from the. past! Bob lots, the charges for Canal fore could let you known the clique or organization, that want to welcome an organiza Weinstein and Jack are here Seamen could be consumed by anything about how this amount hitherto, were never denounc tion like the CIO because to look us over. Once our num.
the Port Captain Officer was deducted.
It would need much pres1:either prejudice, bigotry, nor bers were not strong enough under a division charge. No Consequently, it is very ob discrimination is fostered by to have a favor granted us. deduction from pilots or other sure, believe, to have certain vious that these adverse edi the CIO.
Now? Let join up and keep gold employees are made for cmployers in the Marine Ditorials are seldom barren of Thus when we read of the in the CIO Confidence in Cr launches or railroad inasmuch vision loosen up a little.
as pilots are known to board SYMPHATIZER.
the partiality or bias that is cIo being branded as commu ganization.
necessary towards the fulfill nistic by any newspaper it Sincerely. ment of the obligations or should be no surprise to us. Thinker.
agreements that the paper via IT SEEMS TO ME THE QUESTION BOX. XOX Acción read your article about Marine Division Seamen not receiving their increase of 00 as of August 1, 1946, and in By The Moron addition would like to add this. 02 worth which think What do you think about the Congressmen are surwould be much help to you in removal of the gold and sil. posed to visit here sometime In human affairs there is a exploitation of the silver continuing your right for the ver signs on the Zone. in January on an inspection time for silence and a time worker will no longer obtain, Panama Canal Marine Division THE ANSWERS: tour. Maybe that is why they for speech. There is a time for assure its existence in the fu. M Seamen. think it is a sign that we are cleaning house. Maybe the thought and a time for deci ture. Of course old prejudi This is the square and authare going to get better work arrival of the two CIO big sion. Inevitably there comes a ces like a cold in the head are entic information from talks ing conditions the near futime for action. IT SEEMS not easily cast off but neither with heads and from files.
guns has something to do with TO ME that the big drive of was it easy for Ceaser to make ture. Some of the formen here it. In any case, feel things The Marine Division Seamen are beginning to act a little are going to be better for the Local No. 713 is about to begin the momentous decision. The are charged 00 for each different towards die is cast! Going My Way, trip. This charge is then split, shouldn be long now.
It silver worker.
all along the line with SYMPATHIZER SPEECH, DECISION and AC Mr. Wahl?
50 cents for the Railroad and TION XOX XoxTHAT in the lexicon of That is just another of their. THAT the laugh is on ader writer of the Star and DRUGS tricks to fool us. have seen Comrade Albertus McGeachus Herald the term prolixity PATENT MEDI. things like that before. Those of the matutinal sheet. The ve. does not appear. Charity suf.
people will never change.
nerable vassal of vacilation gct fereth long, and is kind dear CINES Tune in on voluntarily. Just wait and see.
hoisted with his own petard reader but the gentleman has TOILET AR.
last week. Let the headlines just about succeded in making TICLES Xox RADIO MIRAMAR tell the story: me red. Pumping after your want to breathe a sigh of To help latin work bucket is full prevents it keepBOTICA NUEVA relief but m still afraid to. from 7:45. to 8:00 pm ers against communism ing so. How about laying 5th Ave Guerrero It is too early to form a defi wise move by the off the vodka and caviar for lel. 403. Colon nite conclusion. ll wait a lit TULIA AMINTA CAJAR of a while Alberto and giving tle longer. Demands preferen John Public a change in his DOWNER, Proprietor ce for citizens.
Announcing literary diet? think a lot of things are foul blow from Panama XOXI. appening behind the scenes cnemies. THAT this reproduction and the it is just a little sign In order not to eat humble from an article by Hugh Morof those happenings. Certain pie one should never reckon ley, Cap. should provi. FARMACIA LUX without one host.
ce some food for thought. XOX There is a spirit abroad in. THAT the Metal Trades the land which whispers comCouncil has come to the Ru munist communistic ticon of its existence. Confront time a new and potent persoed by a relentless CIO and nality or strange and powerful Service Courtesy an outraged Panamanian pu idea makes itself felt. To call blic it must either continue the Trotsky a communist, and a Efficiency Fast work on cedulas, passport and licensce iniquities of its discredited arme group in the Loyalist fotos. Portraits our specialty.
past to its ultimate destruc Government of Spain commu. Ave. Cent. 160 Tel. 1554. Reproductions, enlargments and amateur finishing tion or, by lending its support nist, was correct and just Reasonable prices. Try us and be convinced to the construction of a new because true. But to raise the Not The Biggest But Novelties, toilet articles, hair dressing etc.
Canal Zone where fear and same hue and cry for little or wretchedness will no longer Eeast 24 St.
Certainly The Best no ronson is ridiculous and No. Opposite Calidonis Church.