CommunismDemocracyVicente Lombardo ToledanoWorkers Movement

Page ACCION August 1946 PROGRESS win revo So It Was Plagiarism? P ORT Brothers and sisters, now that we are on the threshold of bettering our worling and living conditions, let us resolve, not to become Slackers as we go along gaining victories.
Sport Activities In Gamboa Brothers and Sisters, this new medium of ours requires for the winners, Peterkin, easy 16 to victory in the three essential factors. 1) Persistence. 2) Determination, Gamboa, and (3) Unity; Without these elements, our plans for the scored points to lead for the closing game of the night The Midget Basketball Lea Medarts.
double header.
future will be defeated. Our proper business is improve gue stole the spotlight of our Dorville Toch Boys Moved The standings of the teams ment Let our age be the age of improvement.
local sports during the past into second place by virtue of in games played up to Friday, Let us cultivate a true spirit of Union and Harmony. Let week due to the inactivity of a 15 to 10 win at the expense July 26th, are as follows: our conceptions be enlarged to the circle of our duties.
cur senior loop.
of the BAM in the first game Team Win Lose Pet.
Let us leave foot prints on the sand of time that after we Last Moday 22nd, the BAM of the night double header on Medart 2. 600 have ceased to exist our generation will say we have done cagers handed the highly rat July 24th. The Medarts took Toch 2. 600 a good job. We must make sacrifices and give our utmost ed Medarts their first set back sole possesion of first place BAM 3. 400 support to this great medium.
in a thrilling 13 to 12 upset. by winning an easy 20 to Dandux 3. 400 Out fight has begun and the road to victory is laden The Medarts took an early contest from the Dandux. Team scoring Fg. Ft. Pts.
with obstacles which can be conquered, if we will put our eight point lead in the first Defeated by the Medarts in Toch 34 78 shoulders to the wheel of progress. Brothers and Sisters, quarter and at the half it ap their first engagement this Medart 32 69 let us bear in mind that when we are clad in the armor peared as if the Medarts would season, the Toch Boys gained Dandux 26 55 of a righteous cause we are stronger that all the hosts of have registered their as the teams clashed BAM 21 49 error. Let us remember always that a Union is not for at the team led 12 to Fight on Friday 26th, with a 12 to Individual Score: to day or to morrow, it is forever.
ing back in the second half, win to throw the league in Name Fg. Ft. Pts.
14 82 To our brothers and sisters who still refrain from join the BAM defense held the a two way tie for top honors. Vernon King ing this wonderful band of ours, let me admonish you that Medarts scoreless as Prince Again it was Vernon King who (Toch)
12 Grant of the Brewers scored led his team to victory as he Peterkin 26 the Gravy Train. may leave you at the station. Now is the time to get on. Do not let a next day find you on the field goals to tie up the amassed the total of points (Medart)
to retain the leadership in that Rollocks 10 21 waiting list. Do not let your cry be If did know. for Play was extended to, two department as he now sports (Dandux)
it will be useless. Let me quote a few words from the extra periods before the BAM the grand total of 32 points. Prince Grant 10 21 speech of the great American Orator, Patrick Henry; Our won out on Christopher Da The BAM quintet dropped (BAM)
brethren are already in the field. Why stand idle? What niel foul shot. Prince Grant their second straight for the George Gibbs 0 18 is that gentlemen wish? What would they have? Is with points was high pointer week as the Dandux took an Toch)
life so dear or peace so sweet? Now non members how about it? Well your Steward or Representative is right LADIES UNITE.
around the corner. Just say the word and give him a dol.
lar, and you in turn, will receive a temporary UNION CARD to show that you have joined with your brothers already (From Page 1)
For many reasons we are be like wishing luck to myself.
on the battle field to bring our struggle to a success. Long publishing excerpts of letter That is my fight too, distances the only alternative to united live our UNION and may the Supreme Being give us his received from Mrs. Ruth Siler, not withstanding.
union, action was back to the infinite mercy and bless us all and help us to stay insepar the author of the article: Men have a request to make. scrub board. The need for able, of Gold and Men of Silver. Could you send me ten copies child care centers and dayDudley Farrell and the Associate Editor of of the reprint, please. nurseries was stressed and plac. STEWARD this month, Ricard H, Roffed on the agenda of the Red Tank. Canal Zone man, Sincerely Union many projects.
208 West 4th. Street RUTH SILER The group went on record New York 25 unanimously supporting the New York City AND ANOTHER Balboa Chapter SteJuly 21, 1946.
Dear Mr. Pringle: wards Council in urging Gov.
Dear Mr. Pringle.
Many thanks for your in Mehaffey to roll back prices 17 quiry.
on the Canal Zone to the June. am glad that you found my Permission is herby granted 30th level. Many women voby Common Sence little story important and is for you to reprint the article luntered to serve as stewards After having lashed out in a most violent manner against fight that you people down ver written by Ruth Siler, so before) joned the ranks of putting it to good use. The Men of Gold and Men of Sil and others (who had not done several countries for their fascist or communistic practices there are waging is part of etc. etc.
the Union.
or for their opposition of the masses, the editorialist of the the effort of our time to create We would appreciate your Star Herald took time out from such tirades in the July a happier existance, a chance sending us a copy of this repThe meeting ended with a 13th edition to inform the so called silver worker that his for decency for the great rint when it appears, as we true spirit of solidarity, and a lot had been improved.
masses of human beings. now would like it for our files.
determination on the part of In this editorial, which drew bitter protest from everyone enslaved all over the world. Cordially, the women to build the Union that is considered a silver worker the editorialist made a The fight is everybody every RICHARD H, ROFFMAN by organizing all the unorgagreat attempt to keep the wool over our eyes His statement where, and am not going to Associate Editor nized workers.
to the effect that Governor Mehaffey was always interested wish you luck, because it would This Month Look out Jim Crow the woin the welfare of these oppressed workers and doing his best men are on their way. Ed, note Special thanks to to help them caused great surprise among the workers ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the Panama American for His resume of the Governor contribution toward the Canal Zone Workers Union. writing up this meeting. welfare of our group at a time when we have definitely con2. Panama Federation of Workers.
cluded that we should no longer leave our fight to any one Congress of Industrial Organizations.
individual but to organize and do our own fighting is to United Public Workers of American (Our Union. be considered to very coincidental or is it? World Federation of Trade Unions.
To add emphasis to his editorial, comparisons were made National Maritime Union (Seamen Branch of the SUPER COLA 10. between the housing facilities enjoyed by our group on the United Auto Workers (The branch of automobile CANADA DRY Canal Zone with those of the Panama city workers. Stran.
workers. gely enough no comparison was made between the housing Confederation of Latin America Workers.
The Most Popular facilities of the so called gold worker and the so called silver Luis Avila.
Refreshment in Panama. worker. The matter of the silver worker being able to 10. Phillip Murray.
live much cheaper due to the lower costs of food and medical 11. Abram Flaxer.
care on the Canal Zone was also cited by the writer in this 12. Vincent Lombardo Toledano.
attempt to convince our group that our stardard of living 13. The 0, and the was very good and even better that that of the non Canal Zone worker across the border. Again these comparisons are bereft of the democratic flavor that would tend to cause anyone to agree with them. Why were his comparisons not Highlights of Our Constitution confined to the two classes of workers on the Canal Zone. ARTICLE II. OBJECTS Why were the wages of the gold worker and the silver 1) To bring about the effective organization of the workworker not used as a basis for comparison? The same kind ing men and women of the Canal Zone regardless of RACE, Spur of question can be asked of the housing facilities of these CREED, COLOR, or NATIONAL ORIGEN, and to unite them two classes of workers.
for common action into a labor union for their mutual aid and Regarding the large sums purportedly spent on housing protection.
Spur for our group we would recomended that someone in autority 2) To extend the benefits of collective bargaining and to initiate an investigation in order to determine just where, secure for the workers means to establish peaceful relations when, and on what kind of houses this money was spent.
with their employers (The United States Government) by All in all, the editorial of July 13th could be summoned forming a labor union capable of dealing with modern agup in a few words. As far as the writer is concerned the gregates of the Government in the interest of the Work.
DRINK ers of the Canal Zone.
so called silver worker has no right to join or assist any WITH 3)
labor movement that would strive to improve his economic responsibilities under collective bargaining and wage agreeTo maintain determined adherence to obligations and CANADA DRY welfare because the improvements made over the time stated QUALITY ments.
is the best that any silver worker should expect.
4) To secure legislation safeguarding the economic secCertainly the editorialist must have forgotten that the urity and social welfare of the Workers of the Canal Zone, to CERVECERIA gold worker enjoys a much higher stardard of living than protect and extend our democratic institutions and civil rights our group, but nevertheless, continues to wage a strong fight and liberties and thus to perpetuate and realize the cherished NACIONAL, for improvements.
traditions of democracy (National Brewery Inc. The Attitude of the Star Herald In Regards to the Silver Worker Spur What We Represent THE COLA