
August 1946 ACCION Paco KNOW YOUR UNION STEWARDS MEETING us our our game.
The Dawning of the New Millenium (From Page 1) NOLAN ADDRESS, of labor and in any othr field affecting the worker, this one common banner to defend The thousands of en union, like other labor unions this noble heritage History is thusiasts in the field of sports we can think of, can become full of incidents illustrating can help but be amazed at the most destructive weapon this fact. Just recently the the reaction of stoics who see against the worker advance.
United Nations, the modern no purpose in games. To the ment. This is one of the most champions of freedom, justice, athlete such an idea is hopeles outstanding reasons why each and decency, were victorious sly indicative of sour spirits player on this team must keep in a titanic struggle against especially since it is a fact his eye on the ball.
the 20th century diciples of in. that games on a whole do sup.
While we play the tolerance and injustice. They ply a measure of mental and won because they united around physical development in ad game, thousands of spectators are on the side lines. It is a common goal, marshalled dition to pleasure.
their forces, and presented At this the skill and determination we moment we are their front against the foe concerned with the fact display, coupled with a decent during the six years that the that in any ball game, be it brand of sportsmanship, that war lasted. Carbon copies of baseball or soccer, golf or ten. will determine the support we Tojo, Hitler, and Goebels are nis, each player must keep his get from the grandstand. Most on the loose again spreading eye on the ball. That is neces of these spectators are persons their hideous doctine of pre sary if each player is to make or groups who have their own judice and intolerance, and a fair contribution towards a games to play and who will striving to deprive their fel good game be affected by the outcome of Above is a picture taken during a Stewards meeting helt low human beings of their God Let think of at the La Boca Club House. Over one hundred Stewards, male given right to a decent living. union as being a ball which is The as well as females attended this important meeting.
game in which we We have fully recoginzed at a part of us as we are a part play is but one in a series last that we are all pawns on of it; a ball which grows in conducted throughout the enthe ceconminc chessboard of stature and influence as we tire world, our team but a the Canal Zone, and we have grow in numbers. In this field small part of a greater team.
banded together in this orga. of labor every officer and Comrades, let us keep our nization to request a more every, member is a player, eyes on our ball. We do this nearly equitable distribution of each holding and defending by becoming and remaining the biskajes, king; knight, and his station. To do this success members, by drafting to our SINCLAIR ELCOOK guerds. Surely, this is not too fully each must keep his eye side oll our leatives, neighbors much to ask. Let them give on the ball during the entire and friends, by choosing our ladies suffered by the so called silver roll workers of the This is it! After more than 40 years of economic ma us the education and training play. Winning the game de officers on the basis of their Panama Canal, there is reason to believe that a remedy is Mother words, give us the pends on it. Regardless of the worth, by attending our meet. in sight in the person of the Congress of Industrial Organitools and the opportunity to player ability, skill and good ings in order to fully acquaintzations, who in the words of its representative, Mr. Len Gold.
obtain work in accordance judgment, missing the ball ourselves with the desired smith, declared before a packed house of 4, 000 or more memwith our abilities and inte make his efforts barren losing solutions to our problems, bybers of the newly formed Union, in the City of Colop, that rests, and we are confident sight of the play reduces his increasing our efficiency as they, the always fight winning battles, and since that we shall be able to do the cfficiency to the level of the workers and by so conducting they have never fought in a more righteous cause than the job. Fortunately for us, we poor player and makes him a are not alone in this battle. useless and sometimes a dan ourselves as not to bring rep present one, we can see so reason for believing that they zoach upon the union.
will wage a losing battle in this particular instance, We Numerous fair minded friends rerous man on the team.
This union, with the It it generally known have never been over optimistic in the affairs of the Pana.
in Panam, the Canal Zone, and concerted efforts of its team that, because of the vast num. ma Canal silver roll worker, but there appears just cause the United States are rising mates, can become one of the ber of interest in the variuos for optimism in the present circumstance. The current cam up daily to help fight our bat most beautiful things in our channels of life, the worker paign has all the hallmarks of a fait accompli.
tles for us. Tonight, officially, lives. In order to reach that must look to his with lively six million workers and The members of the and other unionized white stage the union must win for concern and not allow his fate workers on the Canal Zone have always striven, with every their families are with us. We us the opportunities to which to rest on the outcome of ac known weapon and some improvised ones, to keep the lowly must büry all our differences every human being is entitled. tion which derive from the ef silver roll worker in a condition of servitude in order that tonight, and from here on reIt must defeat the enemies of forts of others. Comrades, let they, the white workers and their offspring, many derive the main a solid united block unit social and economic justice and us give a million cheers to maximun of benefit from such exploitation.
ed in purpose, united in de convert them whenever pos. the union and follow up the The various incumbents of the Gubernatorial office since termination. May God give us sible into forces of good for cheers with the skill and de. the occupation by the Americans of the Canal Zone, with few the service of mankind. And, termination of good all the patience and the players exceptions, have always been used as tools in the hands of strenght to follow our program as a good friend of us all said who keep their eyes on the these white Panama Canal unionized workers who acted in through yesterday, it must make of us ball.
a self appointed advisory capacity in matters relating to the efficient and appreciative work administration of affairs governing the silver roll worker.
ers in order that we might These southern Bilbos, who apparantly never had much opbe grateful for the new ben.
portunity in their own hom many of whom did not even VISIT efits we receive and demons posses the rudiments of a grammar school education, but trate our worthiness to receive Stewards must who were so deeply steeped in race prejudice and ingratitude Jenning Barber more. But this union, this ball that could see no good even in the colored worker, who in Shop of ours, can do so only with many instances, had to teach them their jobs since many For the Best of Service adequate support from us all. Attend Meetings of them had had no previous experience in the various po.
East 24 St. Guachapall Oon the other hand, this sitions to which, through the color of their skin, they had union can become the most been assigned.
unfortunate experience in our Regularly The present incumbent, Vovernor Joseph Mehaffey, history. By failing to make a under pressure from the Metal Trades Council and other proper evaluation of the situa.
union bosses in the Canal Zone, whether inclined to humane FOTO tion, by neglecting to provide tendencies or not, although this is highly problematical, has WALLACE and enforce a program of in.
his hands tied bythe rigorous system of classifications in The La Boca Clubhouse BROS struction for its members, by effect, which is the direct result of the diabolical machiPanama, failing to defeat and convert NEW SHOE REBUILDING nations of the white unionized worker of the Panama Cathe forces of unreasonable disSHOP nal, to protect himself, his children and his children chil crimination within the ranks dren. He fully realizes that the future of his progeny lies (Below Clubhouse Building) in the Panama Canal because if they sought a living in the United States, most of them would starve to death Shoes Repaired While since they could furnish no competition, worthy of the name, FOTO you Wait with workers that would permit htem to earn a decent Open from 30 to p.
living Now, the signs of the times point to a change in this preposterous system and there is nothing, absolutely nothPORTRAITS ing, no matter how chagrined they may be, that these Stall Fed despots can do to prevent it.
PANAMA The following lines from the pen of the famous Persian 4th of July Avenue No. JOIN poet, Omar Khyyam, see in appropriae to the occasion. Box 3049 THE The moving ringer having writ, moves on Not all your piety nor all your wit, can call it back so much as half a line. STRA AN INJURY TO ONE IS AN INJURY TO ALL BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO