
Page ACCION July 26, 1946 Refugio Sherman, Tex. started in the Carter, of the Commandos, willi who has been burning up the Wins First Championship PANAMA ACE SPRINTER INJURED ran SPORT ACTIVITIES IN GAMBOA REVIVED NEWCOMERS AND COMEBACKS P R S By ADDINGTON TRACK AND FIELD MEET AT OLYMPIC Fans have had a busy tainly has done a great revival spring of it, welcoming back job, bringing pro baseball back quite a few old players whose to some territories which have STADIUM ON SUNDAY JULY 28 names were missing from the not had it for a generation and Scoreboards during the war; more. Pawtucket, has Many Athletes to be seen in Action, they have been greeting a lot to think back to its Colonial of newvomers who played ball League days of 1941; so does in the service and then took up Fall River, Mass, Prividence, athletes will be soon in action absence of McSween will bring that Club Mercurio has a new Many of the Panama top. may not be seen in action. The a few surprises. It is rumored the game professionally; they Lawrence, Lynn, Manchester, have seen the start of several Nashua and Portland, Mey, at a track meet that will be about a thrilling duel between sensation in this event but very new leagues; and they have have been spasmodic in their held at the Olympic Stadium Reginaldo Matthews and Eric little information can be obtained concerning her.
welcomed into Organized Ba memberships, and it has been on Sunday morning at o clock Ferguson.
The injury sustained by David Benskin will once seball some new cities which quite some time since any of Champion Clayton Clarke, will more face his great rival, Luis once more defend his crown in Champion Mitchell Clovis will have not previously held mem. them saw much minor league place on the shoulders of St. Ricketts in the half mile and the high jump. Lenine Alexbership and some others which baseball.
Clair Brown the responsibility the mile. Frank Prince, the ander, who defeated Britto at have been absent for a long, Aberdeen, in the swim of being chief standard bearer new sensation of the Commar the last meet is also on the inlong time.
as a member of the Northern of Club Mercurio. The sur. dos. is also afflicted with a leg active list because of a leg in.
It those roped in after the loop, has been among the ab prise of the be Joseph injury and may not be up to jury sustained at the Olympic dast semicolon in the para gue club disbanded in 1923, Thomas of Club Mercurio who his best performance.
Stadium while practicing.
graph above to whom these before the season ended. Ano. gave the flashy Luis Welch The events for women should lines are dedicated.
ther Northern member, Sa. decisive thrashings in the 100 teem with interest. Amy Fos.
The Western International is iCloud, Miinin. has missing for meters and in the 200 meters. ter, another athlete on the sick introducing a brand new mem a longer period, since it was In the sprints, the Atlantic list may not compete but the ber in Bremerton, Wash. and in the old Northern wheel of Side will pin its hopes on Bra honors of Mercurio will be deshaking hands with a return. 1913.
thwaite, Cabey, and Loney. fended by Mildred Bannister ing old timer, Victoria, last which has been out since it Lone Star League in 1929, but be in there fighting courage cinder track during the was a member of the Pacific did not see the season through, Cyril McSween, champion naously as usual.
few weeks.
The high jump should be International League, back in and is now back on the dia. tional quarter. miler, is suffer filled with surprises. Cham, 1921.
Roy Raveneau Refugio With the exception of El Pa. Texas organization. Greenville ing from severe leg pains and pion Silvia Forde may be in for Softball Team won the chamsa, Tex. the Mexican National was in the old East Texas back pionship of the La Boca Senior circuit has all new cities, in in 26.
Softball League by defeat.
cluding Chihuahua, Mexico Ci Crossing another internatio.
ing the powerful Monte Carlo ty, Juarez, Saltillo and Tor nal border the Florida Interin two of three games.
reon national League takes in Ha.
The Refugio lads swept Kingston, Not. is getting its vana, Cuba, which was in the Clayton Clarke, Panarn ace first tasete of Organized Ball old Cuban League back in sprinter, and favorite to win in competition for at least two smack into jolting punches in Clarke will be out of active through the first half season withouht a defeat but as a member of the new Bord. 1911. Lakeland, Fla. also a the coming Central American months and has defnitely de. the final half drive with the er League and the California member of this group, has had Olympics, received a serious loop is giving a christening to to do without the game since leg injury during a practice cided to do all his training in result that the Monte Carlo Visalia, Cal.
1926, when it was included session at the Olympic Sta. La Boca in order to safeguard and Gamboa Cerveceria were The New England loop cer. Continue next week) dium on Saturday.
tied with them for second half a recurrence of his injury.
honors. In the second play off the Monte Carlo smahed their way to a sensational victory. but crumbled in the championAFTER BRIEF LAYOFF, THE GAMBOA SENIOR BASKETBALL LEAGUE RESUM ship series.
The Refugio team is composED IT ACTIVITIES LAST WEDNESDAY 17th ed of the following: Roy RaThe Lucky Heart cagers paced by Ignacious Paschal exMIDGET BASKETBALL veneau, Manager; Hinds, tended their winning streak to five games as the team downed The Midget League consisting of four teams namely, BAM, Coach; Evans Clarke, Field the Sentinel Radio by a score of 52 to 38.
Dandux, Medarts and Toch Boys, was inaugurated last Wednes. Captain; Willie Raveneau, c; The loss for the radiomen was the team fourth for the day 17th. In the opening game Arnold Dorville Toch Boys Roddy Prince, Harry Lashley, first half honors. High pointers for the winners were Pas led by the lanky midget Vernon King trounced Earl Holder Leonard Inniss and Rupert chal 17, Wilbert Holder 15 and Robert Joseph 14. Starring BAM Midgets 16 to The midget brewers defense was Hylton, pitchers; George Rafor the Sentinel Radio was Kenneth Joseph with nine field goals unable to stop the crack shooting of King who broke through veneau, 1b; Arthur King 2b; and one foul shot for a total of 19 points.
easily to tally four field goals for a total of eight points. George Griffith and Buster Continuing it domination of the first half race, Lester Christopher Daniels acquired three points for the losers by Sealey, shortstops; Clyde Las.
Grant Lucky Heart lads made it six straight as they eked scoring three foul shots.
hley, Clifford. Nurse, Eddie out a thrilling 36 32 win from the Ever Ready quinteton In a thrilling game which brought the fans to their feet Puesey, George Sealey, Yew.
Thursday night. With this victory the boys of the perfume in the final minutes of play. Paschal Medarts eked out ton Lindo, George Grannum, products clinched the first half championship honors. Wilbert 12 10 victory over French Dandux. The Medarts command. James Weekes, and Hubert Holder with 15 and Ken Wade 14 led the winners in the scored the lead throughout the first three quarters but with fif. Evans, outfielders.
ing department.
teen second of play left for the final of the game, Gill, the tiny The Golf Club failed in their attempt to break into forward of the Dandux gave the crowd a thrill as he sank a the win column as the team dropped it fifth consecutive game sensational goal from the angle to tie the scoring at ten points.
SUPER COLA by losing to Nelson Radio squad 36 to 29 in the night cap. field goal by Peterkin in the extra period gave the game Again it was the up and coming Ken Joseph who paced his to the Medarts.
CANADA DRY team scoring with 16 points to his credit. The golfers On Thurs, 18th, the Medarts made it two straight in the weak offense handicapped the team in their many tries at the win column as they scored another sensational victory, this The Most Popular baskets. Winston Rollocks, ace shooter for the Golf Club time by the narrow margin of 19 18 over Toch Boys. Star. Refreshment in Panama. accounted for one half of his team score as he accumulat ring was Peterkin who top scored with nine points.
ed a total of sixteen points.
Registering a 12 to win at the expense of the Dandux who dropped game number two, the BAM Midgets climbed into Winding up the week basketball activities Friday second place, onehalf game ahead of the Toch Boys with two night Ever Ready cagers handed the cellar dwelling Golf Club defeats. Returning to the courts fifteen minutes after their their sixth setback with a 40 34 win. The playing display less, the Dandux quintet scored the league first upset as they ed in this game was very poor as both teams resorted to rough overcame an early eight point lead garnered by the highly touttactics and unnecesarsy fouling. Earl Holder sixteen points ed Toch Boys in the very first quarter to win fourteen to was tops for the game. Burns his team mate of the Ever. twelve. With the ending of the first quarter, the game apReady hoopsters tallied five goals to register 10 points. peared to be a walk way for Dorville team as they had comThe standing of the teams in games played up to Friday piled ten points to the winners two. But by holding the Toch 19th are as follows: Spur scoreless in the second and fourth periods while their team.
Team Win Lose Pct.
mates were averaging four points a quarter, the Dandux won Lucky Heart 1000 to tie the Toch team in the third place of the league standings.
Ever Ready 667 Team Standings: Spur Sentinel Radio 333 Win Lose Pct.
Golf Club 000 Medart 0 1000 The Big Ten of the scoring department are: BAM 1 500 Name Fg. Ft. Points Toch 335 Eearl Holder (Ever Ready) Dandux 2 333 DRINK Wilber Holder (Lucky Heart) Leading Scorers: Ken Wade (Lucky Heart) 61 Name Fg. Ft.
Pts. CANADA DRY Winston Rollocks (Golf Club) 26 58 Vernon King (Tõeh) 2 QUALITY Ken Joseph (Sen. Radio)
24 52 George Gibbs (Toch) Robert Joseph (Lucky Heart)
50 Peterkin (Medarts)
15 Paschal (Lucky Heart)
10 48 Rollocks (Dandux) CERVECERIA Franklin Spencer (Ever Ready) 16 88 Spencer (Medarts) 9 NACIONAL, Tohn Leach (Sen. Radio)
13 34 George Weeks (Dandux) 8 (National Brewery Inc. Harold Cooper (Golf Club)
16 33 Carlos Gill (Dandux) BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO on Spur 2 0 4 THE COLA 2 29 28 29 63 WITH 16 16 23 19 1 7 4 8