
CIRCULACION 10. 000 NECTIONS. VOL. NO. PANAMA, 26 JULY 1946 Cents CIO Charter to be Presented 7000 Hear Goldsmith Address This LEN GOLDSMITH ADDRESSES PACIFIC SIDE TEACHERS At National Stadium on Sunday, July 28 The Canal Zone Workers, of music is expected.
will experience another day This will be the first cereof joy as the Official Charter mony of this nature to be Gave inspiring talk of the Congress of Industrial witnessed in the Republic of record of the late Sidney Hill.
to members and man, friend of the common GIVE THE FULL NAME OF Organizations is presented to Panama nonmembers man, and had the audience ob THE FOLLOWING TRADE the Canal Zone Workers Union According to information re.
UNIONS by Representative Len Gold. ceived from Mr. Gildsmith, Seven thousand Canal Zone serve a minute of silence in memory of the departed leadsmith.
workers braved inclement wea. C.
the Charter has not yet ar. F.
ceremony will take rived, but will be here on time ther to listen to an inspiring er who twelve hours before his place at the Natiinal Stadium for the ceremony.
address by Len Goldsmith, CIO death had commissioned him (Goldsmith) to go down to the U.
at 7:30 Sunday 28, 1946.
The Canal Zone Workers representative, at the Olym5 Canal Zone to help the workpic Stadium on Thursday.
Many prominent speaker Union takes pleasure in invitAmidst thunderous applause, ers. N.
are expected to take part in ing all workers to this cere.
Goldsmith, stepped up to the After a lucid description of U.
the ceremony.
mony that will surely prove C.
Besiles the speakers, a band interesting, microphone and for sixty five the system of collecting dues Name the president of minutes kept the crowd spell to safeguard losses to the lobound as, speaking from his cal or to the members he ex. the heart, with simple, telling tion fees by the International the plained the waiving of initia 10 Name the president of words he unfolded new vistas Body of the CIO because of of hope.
11 Name the president of the low wage standards now the existing on the Canal Zone for 12 Name the president of Teachers Salaries Have Been a Millstone Around the silver workers.
Neck of Workers On the subject of unity he 13 Which largest Unions On Friday, July 19, Len declared that Governor Me have recently amalgamated. in Alabama on behalf of the Goldsmith, CIO haffey had asserted that withRepresenta. teachers, especially the colorin six months, the Canal Zone tive who is now on the Isthed teachers, and reported that Local of the CIO, mus, spoke to the Pacific Side a bill had been passed recently would cease to exist because Colored teachers at La Boca granting colored teachers NOTICE the members had a reputation He told of the genuine interest equal salary rating as the for inconsistency. Goldsmith in Dues paid for the months the ciO has in the field of white teachers in Alabama.
rising tones called for a denial of May and June will not be education, and of its efforts to After the inspiring talk the of the assertion. An echoing considered in the payments gain better conditions for teachers unanimously decided NO resounded throughout for AUGUST.
teachers in the United States. to have the Canal Zone Color.
the massive ball park. Gold11. No dues will be collected salaries of teachers have been porated as a chapter in the He mentioned that the low ed Teachers Association incor.
smith then mentioned that the for JULY.
Governor statement was a III. Dues already paid for considered by labor groups as Canal Zone Local of the Unit.
direct challenge to every work. JULY will be credited to the a millstone around the necksed Public Workers of Amer.
er and that each one present of the other workers becauseica, CIO.
AUGUST dues.
Len Goldsmith should make January 16 a day IV. If John Jones had paid unsympathetic employers gen.
He made the unqualified to show the Canal Zone author As a result of this resolu.
statement that the gold and ities that the silver workers 25 cents for the month of June, erally use the teachers salary silver system in the Canal were still active in their union he would have to pay 00 for scale to chill the aspirations of tion the teachers will be in les trained workers.
direct contact with the specia)
Zone must be destroyed. He and with greater vigor than the month of AUGUST, If Mary Jones had paid He touched graphically on division for teachers maintain.
mentioned that such a vicious at the present time, policy had no place in the Am.
January 16, 1947 was then 25 cents for the month of July the bitter sruggle of the CIOed by the Cio.
erican way of life.
officially declared special she would pay only 75 cents He made a survey of some Labor Day for the Union and for the month of AUGUST.
of the deporable conditions would be used for a monster VI. If Harry Smith should demonstration of unity and become a now existing in the Canal Zone member Highlights of Our Constitution now he and asserted that those conconsistency.
ARTICLE II OBJECTS should pay 00 for the month ditions are not known in the He described the operations of AUGUST.
1) To bring about the effective organization of the working men and women of the Canal Zone regardless of RACE, United States or the Con. the CIO in Alabama to alCREED, COLOR, or NATIONAL ORIGEN, and to unite them gress of the United States butlleviate the wretched condifor common action into a labor union for their mutual aid and that it would be the duty of tions that prevailed for the protection.
the CIO to let the people back teachers and declared that he ACCION FOR SALE AT: 2) To extend the benefits of collective bargaining and to home know of the horrible si had received letter that the Robinson Place secure for the workers means to establish peaceful relations tuations that are tolerated on state legislature had approvSugar Bowl with their employers (The United States Government) by American territory on the Isth ed a bill granting. equal pay Morrison Book Store forming a labor union capable of dealing with modern agmus of Panama to white and colored teachers.
Kiosco Santa Ana gregates of the Government in the interest of the Work. We are not asking for the He then explained the work.
Stones Book Store ers of the Canal Zone.
moon. But we want a decent ings of the powerful CIO ma.
Lindsay Place 3) To maintain determined adherence to obligations and living for your people, he said. chine, outlining the plan of Club Palmira nesponsibilities under collective bargaining and wage agree He touched on the principle action that should be taken to Kiosco Catedral ments.
that every man should be paid combat the local evils. He Lavanderia Don Bosco 4) To secure legislation safeguarding the economic secaccording to his workmanship stressed the importance of reg. Barberia Dunn urity and social welfare of the Workers of the Canal Zone, to and not because of his reli ular payment of dues so that Barberia Jennings protect and extend our democratic institutions and civil rights gion, the color of his skin, or the fullest and most effective Botica Istmeña.
and liberties and thus to perpetuate and realize the cherished his nationality.
representation may be obtained traditions of democracy.
He then introduced Graham here and in the United States.
Lewis, President of the He showed that the fight Tune in on and dramatically any will have to be two fronts nounced that the Panama Ca the Canai Zone and the ConRADIO MIRAMAR nal West Indian Workers gress of the United States. He Union and that all would now once more stressed the importfrom 7:45 p, to 8:00 form a local of the United ance of giving full support to Stewards Atherton, Newball and Moore have been Public. Workers of America, the union so that a new day TULIA AMINTA CAJAR commended for having established a 100 membership CIO. victory for unity. he may dawn very quickly for the Announcing in their departments.
oppressed workers on the CaHe commented on the fine nal. Zone.