
10. 000 NECTIONS.
VOL. INO. PANMA, 18 JULY 1946 Cents THE CIO IS HERE SENATOR FOLLY PERFECT TIMING Greetings to Was received by special delegation at Albrook Field Air Port Terminal When, in their eager attempt (sponsors of these phony ridThe Star Herald, Dean of mon struggle, long overdue.
to crush the growing popula ers and amongst the most acLen Goldsmith, Internatio the local juornalism, the most The Star Herald Chiefs of rity of the United States Wor. tive in the so called econo the CIO United Public Wor them all, the most capable from using the usual communal Director of Education of powerful, the weathiest of Staff, at this time, refrained kers, the Con my bloc in the Senate)
gress attached riders to all thorough kers of America, made history and adequately staffed their deep rooted on nistie approach but established appropriation bills, stating that hatred of labor have managed when he stepped from a Pan these shores, has begun train a beach. head by using Goall federal workers would be to spend millions of dollars of American Clipper and landed ing her guns on the strug vernor Mehaffeys adminis.
required to sign affidavits to taxpayers money in printing, on the soil of Panama to aid gle for life of the Canal Zo tration two year beneficial the effect that they do not circulating, and attesting these the Canal workers in their ne so called silver workers. measures as a landing craft.
support strike against the affidavits, and in struggle for security and fair the filing It is simple a matter of the While we will endeavor not treatment.
Government nor support an and similar cost. lion, by way of power pounc to give just cause to be acorganization wihch asserts such There is no reason for Backed by the full supporting on the mouse. We are cused of being ungrateful of.
a right, little did they realize yone to feel intimidated by of the powerful CIO movement referreing to the subtle beg these recognized benefits dethat this act would bounce these affidavits for they are and the voting strenght of six inning disguised in its offi rived thru the benevolence of back and affect themselves. a clear picture of how much millions C1. members, Canal cial name Star Herald Sur the present Canal AdministraThe friut of their anti labor organized labor is hated and Zone workers are looking for. vey. to prey on the unpre tion; we will also firmly state, tactics hit them as well béca. feared. All memebers of our ward to a new day in labor cedented thousands of work to the four winds of earth, ue every senator, representa union con sign these affidavits relations as a result of Golders awakened to their appall that no longer will the so caltive and all goverment officials without fear. Our answer to smith arrival to discuss CIO ing condition and are join led Silver worker wait for short of Pres. Trutnan him these forms and to these Se affiliation and the CiO pro ing hands, hearts and pockets the benevolent morsel from self, are all required to sign nators is a bigger and better gram for higher wages and regardless of the language the master table.
these same affidavits.
Since UNJON job security they speak, regardless of the We are unswerving believers our Union as well as the Pu If you javen joined up as This is the first time that shade of their skins in a com(Turn to page 3)
blic Workers (to whom we are yet, don waste another day, a represntative from the Staaffiliating) have both made it attend our meeting tonight at tes has arived here to invesvery clear that we do not as the National Stadium (7:30 tigate the deplorable condiWorkers sert the rigth to strike against and hear Leni Goldsmith, tions of our workers and at the Government, these affdi representative of the United the same time pledging to aid Len Goldsmith davits offect none of us.
Public Workers of America.
and assist us in improving our Senators Ball and Russell lot. am happy to be here in That it is the duty of the Goldsmith is the represen Panama and to bring you the United States Government to tatives the United Public Wor greetings and support of the see that the principles upon kers of America, a CIO affi six million members of the which the United States was Colon Local, CZWU Installs liate, that has collective bar CiO who are becoming increa founded are carried out.
gaining relations with almost singly aware of the intoleraWe believeOfficers every Government De ble conditions that the Canal That there is no room for partment including Hawaii.
Zone workers work and live Bilboism or discrimination in to be He was met at the airport by under rousing welcome greeted unfavorable conditions a democratic world.
Len Goldsmith, a large delegation of workers tackled.
repre We, of the in the The CIO United Public Worsentative, to the Canal Zone Governor Navas spoke on headed by union President past, also faced similar condi kers has waged a strong fight Workers Union, at a mass me the importance of unity and Francisco Arauz, who greeted tions but we found the way for these principles and we eting held by the Atlantic on the favorable effects that (Turn to page 3) to overcome them.
will wage a strong fight to members at the Colon Arena beter working standards on the RUTH GARDNER We organized!
extend them to the Panama on Monday night.
Canal Zone would have on of La Boca With the coming of the Canal Zone.
Luis Alejandro Victor pre Panama union we found that we were Our union does not believe sided as master of ceremonies Len Goldsmith then gave an able to improve our wages, in strikes against the govern and in his own inimitable inspiring picture of the win better conditions and beg ment of the United States and style kept the program alive complishments of the CIO and in to work as free men with we have won many wage in with spicy remarks.
explained how the Canal Zone the dignity that free men creases and improved condiAfter the induction of the workers would be benefited by have.
tions without strikes or the oficers of the local by Don affiliation with such a powerIt was not easy. There were threat of strikes Victor Navas, Governor of the ful organization.
many heartaches and head We win our victories through Province of Colon, the readHo climaxed his grippring aches on the road to victory the strenght of our organizaing of the minutes of the talk with a call for a vote foi but we were not discouraged tion.
inaugural meeting of the lo affiliation or nonaffiliation with and when we won we found You too will win because the CIO.
cal was effected.
The two thousand that the fight was worth while. of strength of your organizaGuillermo Rojas, Chairman workers present voted unaniYour fight will be easier for tion and the unity of your of the Atlantic local, gave a mously for inmediate affiliathe ground has alreary been members.
short, forceful spoech on the tion with the CIO.
broken and the road ahead is We have made a great start.
duties of the members and the PROGRAM clear.
To complete the job we must Remarks: Master of CeIt will take hard work and now organize every remaining remonies.
some sacrifices but cheap vic canal zone worker into our Installation of Officers.
whose beautiful voice led the tories are not worth ther win union so that there will be no ACCION FOR SALE AT: Reading of first minutes, singing of the National An. ning.
division but only strength.
Robinson Place Address, President of the them at the July 4th Union Our union, of which you Sugar Bowl Atlantic Chapter, rally.
will soon be a part is based In conclusion, want Morrison Book Store brother Guillermo Rojas.
upon the concept of the bro pledge to you the full support Kiosco Santa Ana Addres, Don Victor NaTune in on therhood of man.
of the six milion CIO memStones Book Store vas.
We believe bers, all of them voters, who Lindsay Place Addres, President of the RADIO MIRAMAR That all men are created are determined that the UnitClub Palmira Pacific Chapter, bro from 7:45 p, to 8:00 ecua! and tha every man ed States Government must Kiosco Catedral ter Francisco Arauz.
must tw given equal oppor become the model employer.
Lavanderia Don Bosco Addres, Brother Hugh TULIA AMINTA CAJAR tunity to earn a decent living This is our goal. With the Barberia Dunn Adams.
and to raise his children in help and cooperation of all we Barberia Jennings Address IO. RepresenAnnouncing decency and dignity.
cannot fail.
Botica Istmeña tative.
We believe On to victory!