
July 12, 1946 ACCION Page S O T facilities.
in has the best chance of any BASEBALL batter to better the Rajah a modern record of. 424 for a RECONVERTS pitched regular batting prac players at their preliminary more than promising rookies. full season of swinging.
Nor is To understand why the cur tice for the Cardinals, and school camp in Sanford, Fla. Because of this, big league line young Dick Waka rent baseball season possibly later discared it. The two hour and at least 70 showed enough ups, think, will be essentially field, of Detroit, less confident The well publicized waget will be the wildest on record, daily visit for medical treat ability to be retained and wor pre war stuff when the sea case of John Grodzicki, a big ments continued, and he fin. ry the Dodger regulars. son opens. And, barring injury, between him and Williams u right, hander who pitched well ally announced that he would Carl Hubbell shepherded 100 think the former stars will to who would outhit the other was under standably denied enough in 1941 to be stamped be pitching with all he ever probables in the New York be better than ever.
a St. Louis Cardinals regular had around June or early Giants preliminary training Over in the St. Louis Car. and squelche, but it gives you for 1942. Before he could ful July.
camp at Jacksonville. The old dinals camp, Manager Eddie assurance that the boys have fill his mission, Pearl Harbor a lot of baseball to get out Meal Ticket sifted out enough Dyer not only concurred, but happened and he went off to job before the war, he declar flourshing string of farm clubs urge on the part of returness worked hard to get this talent to overflow the Giants said that the unprecedented of their systems.
Bob Feller is perhaps the war, like a record of 170 para ed solemnly. Anyone who which he is building.
chute jumps, is the fabulous takes it from me will have to was pyramiding into a prob phenonomenon of baseball list Stanley.
tory, even without his salary earn it by working harder. Personnel at the big league We ve had Thousands of almost 50, 000, highest och a surprising ballplayers of That just about explains the training camps numbered upnumber of went into uniform, But just most free for all major Lea wards of fifty players each, hurts, the newest big league rently topped only by Hank annoying little record for a pitcher, and care follow John through his futile gue baseball has ever known. and several were over seventy, manager said. None of them Greenberg 66. 000. Feller left attempts to transfer into the the only case. They are on all strays. Johnny Mize brought result, we believe, of so called compassion for those in the Air Corps and then the tank teams in one degree of sever an ex sailor into camp outfits. His size was always ity or another.
had never played league base ed in military training, which good fortune than he had who baseball muscles being neglect service with less ability and against him carly six feet three and 205 plus pounds.
Mickey Rocco presumed that with a contract to play on a ball before, and he wound up had no use for them. Players known. He planned and estab on the big league filed for the Tampa, Fla. with three weeks Eventually he wound up as a the Cleveland first. basing job Giant farm club.
baseball school in paratrooper and March, 1945, was his, despite the return of first time in three or four The fan who paid pre war years dashed out and upset a of tuition and training free to poral in the 17th Airborne Di lian held out for a hike in sa during the past few seasons tissue, and the result was a wished to avail himself of ith found him in Germany. cor Les Fleming, and so the Ita prices to see inferior players lot of peacefuly hibernating anyone, young mold, who vision, he was flown across the lary. Suddenly a giant ex sai now faces the happy prospect variety of unexpected strains Rhine near Wetzel where he lor named Eddie Robinson, of the highest possible stand and sprains.
He procured contributions of hit the silk with 10, 000 others. Baltimore pre war prize first ard of skill and power from equipment from manufacturer They floted down through flak baseman, appeared the top to bottom of every line Stan Musial was in a pep and asked the applicants to and tracer bullets. Some land Clearwater, Fla. camp. The up. Not only are most of the per game is natural to a play bring only uniforms, shoes, ed as corpses. Others dragged Navy doctors who operated on pre war standouts back, but er ordinarily. The same with gloves and fifteen dollars. riddled frames through the his damaged foot had told him the ordinary stars of that pe Johnny Beazley, only in rev week for room and board. He darkness. John was okay. to forget baseball, he would rior are fighting desperately erse. He wrenched his pitching solicited teachers from big.
Survivors of that big leap never play again.
to keep the horde of unknown arm in some kind of bayonet league players who would be somehow found their way to But there he was, six feet mavericks from taking their practice. And young Ted Wilks his enemies on the ball field Montgomery armies to help three, 10 pounds and swinging bread and butter.
claims he strained an arm. later in the year. Every stat with the assault on Munser. left handed. He powdered a The big guns can be expect muscle in the dining room one solicited not only taught with but within a week big John fast ball pitch over the fence ed to regain their pre war morning reaching for the last out charge, but paid his own luck ran out. piece of shrap and out of sight, whereupon form, and possibly exceed it, piece of celery. didn doubt expenses. The school provided nel knifed into his right hip Rocco rushed down and signed almost without exception. Mel him, because that about what invaluable early training for and nicked the sciatic nerve. his contract.
Ott, manager of the New York we ve been getting.
veterans, and more than twoHe was carted to a field hosEd Froelich, Yankee trainer, thirds of the young players Harry Walker, another St. Giants, put it that way as he pital in Germany with a para. Louis Cardinal, and hidhe broth watched big Johnny Mize lace seems to have avoided much received contracts from teams lyzed leg. He was flown to into the practice pitching at of this annoyance, and attri in organized baseball.
England and hospitalized for er of Brooklyn Dixie, carMiami.
butes it to a long lecture he Feller then joined the Cletwo months, then ferried back ries a piece of shrapnel in his Drht buttock The desire to play baseball delivered to McCarthy men veland Indians at Clearwater to lodged him at Nichols Genis an indestructible thing, he before they took off for Pan and. when interviewed, declareral Hospital in Louisville. Hey, it still there, he said. The fan seldom realizes ama. He warned them against ed that he was out to fulfill said grimly. Got it with a a childhood ambition to be the Meanwhile the nerveless leg reconnaissance outfit in the that almost every hold out has all form of quick or unusual was atrophying. He was kept Saar River offensive. Then the horrible, secre thought movements, even when the mo outstanding pitcher, not of the in bed and the shinking con he grinned. may not beat that he may not be allowed to vement was a natural one or season, not merely of the de tinued. In October last year out Musial, Moore or Slaugh. that what goes on inside of lowed his advice, for the Yan best pitcher in all baseball play. It couldn happen, but dinarily. They must have fol cader, or century, but the very they let him out with a leg ter, but m hustlin from the brace, a pair of crutches and word go, and they ll never ballplayer. It a form of kees were the soundest and history!
a full pension of 114 a month mistake the piece of steel for hunger the real backbone of best. conditioned team in Flobaseball. The ex service men rida.
JOE LOUIS. lead.
based on full disability.
are so hungry to get back into The powerhouse hitters and Joe Louis belongs to Well, you should have seen At least 1, 000 big league line up that they ll try to pitchers in training camps ages. In the past such a pro.
this same pensioner at the Car regulars and potentials were give far beyond their norinal bore out Mel Ott theory of nuncement would be reserved hustle. Joe Di Maggio never for a inmortal poet, a colorful some weeks ago, battling to in the frantic scramble that ability. Maybe next year it will be looked better than while he here on the battle fields, an win back his job. To escape Florida and California. There different. hope not. But right was averaging a homer every intrepid discoverer, or a briWhen a prize Nanticoke, Pa. he had winter never was so much talent, be now m counting on that fac other exhibition game and two lliant scientist.
ed in the Canal Zone. There cause every service player has tor more than any other, and runs per game driven in dur fighter ascends such a lofty he actually pitched two nine returned with a claim of status so ll bank on old regulars ing the early part of prepara plane in the esteem of his felTed Williams. though bigger lowmen he must be something inning ball games with the quo ante, protected by basebrace still on the shrinking te must not only have a chance ball legislation which declares and at least twenty pounds inspiring, noble, and rare.
SUPER COLA heavier, could have been mis The Negro race has enshrine leg. He won a game, 2, and taken for a desperate rookie ed Louis in the temple of their lost one, 3, pitching for Co to prove his claim at his preyou must first consider the CANADA DRY while he hustled about the aspirations. The brilliant lon againss Diablo.
war salary, but that he can.
field before practice games. truimphs his The Most Popular gentlemen At. St. Petersburg, Fla. he not be shipped to the minor But during the battles he was gladiador have injected Refreshment in Panama. partook of daily hot water leagues until all other biga new Williams, more deter hope in the minorities of the whirlpool treatments, gal league clubs have waived the mined, stronger and as fine world. infusing in the infortuvanic rays and massages. The chance to take him.
physical specimen as you could nates added strength to attain calf of his right leg measured In addition to the returness, find in all athletics. He talks their ends. However the grea.
two inches less than his left, there are deserving war time baseball, particularly batting, test tribute to this athletic but within two weeks he added regulars and a crop of unat the drop of a provocation. marvel is that the peoples of a full inch to the smaller cir heralded rookies with amazing His confidence is such that the the world do not appraise him cumference. During the second talent, considering that orgamere thought of anyone beat because he is a Negro but beweek he added three. eights of nized baseball dwindled to toing him out for th? American cause of his accomplishments.
an inch more. The numbness ken activity in the past three League batting title doesn Joe Louis has transcended the to leave, and presently he could years. But they came from seem to enter his calculations. limted bounds of racial confitwist his foot a bit in all di somewhere and swarmed to the Spur He is tremendously interested es to become the pride, the rections excepting upward. training camps. The Brooklyn in Rogers Hornsby recent hope, the inspiraton of the Still wearing his brace, kel Dodgers had 170 unknown statement that he, Williams. common man of all races.
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