DemocracySovietSpainStrikeSubversiveURSSVicente Lombardo Toledano

VOL. No. PANMA, 12 JULY 1946 Cents Success Without Precedence THE NATIONAL GYMNASIUM WAS THE SCENE OF GREAT ENTHUSIASM DURING IN AUGURATION OF CANAL ZONE WORKERS UNION Metal Trades Council Embarrass Government and jitters.
on or is At a recent meeting in Bal given quarters in GOLD boa, Zon American ter COMMUNITY! Applause ritory, in a building owned by greeted him when he insisted the Government and that this sort of thing must HOPE TO SOLVE LABOR PROBLEMS IN given free to the not be allowed to continue.
THE CANAL ZONE. DECLARED HIS TO EACH MEMBER affiliate) Pat Coakley. Other gallant. Americans EXCELLENCY DON ENRIQUE president arose and with an then arose to add their bit JIMENEZ WE SHALL WIN air of righteous wrath, told. of saying keep them out of here We shall not strike or attempt any subversive BECAUSE OR CAUSE horrible incident and the ur anda. must maintain our 40 IS JUST gent need for preventing a re year traditions on the Zone.
acts against any government. was the decurrence of same. name with After all these patriotic claration of Vice President Aston Let the enemies of held. a Negro American girl. Americans had ranted Parchment in the course of his DEMOCRACY get the was sent here to work on the foamed about their tradiGOLD ROLL! getting GOLD tions, a new voice arose lenghty speech We have nothing LEGES, and worst of all was PAY, enjoying GOLD PRIVI voice truly American that of historic precedent was set DEMOCRACY, which shall be (Continued on Page 4)
to fear but fear.
at the National Gymnasium on our guide all our enterpri4 Do a good job each.
July. 4th by the Canal Zona sed.
Workers Union during its in: Why have we formed the dắy at work.
nauguration on said. date. Canal. Zone Workers Union. Be not intimidated For the first time in the his. Go before your mirrors, you old by a boss unfriendly to tory of the Republic, that a timers, and count your president actually attended a faces ti deep furrows chiseled the Union.
rally staged: by any labor by the biting blade of econo If he has the jitIt seems as though the Nagroup. He not only attended mic oppression. Look on the ters it means that he is val authorities are quite worthe ceremony, but was also faces of our young brothers of guilty.
ried about the recently formed TOLEDANO TO. accompanied by his entire ca twenty and twenty five ard no.
tice the grooves of bitterness Respect those in labor Union.
They have recently issued Vicente Lombardo Toledano, In his speech the president etched around the corners of authority. made the following statement: their mouths. You are worn The Union is not that must be signed and re now in Moscow, has announced forms to all Naval employees Mexican labor leader who is Before leaving the presi out. You are bitter. Do ya formed for the lazy, turned. These forms state as that he will ask the World Fedency, hope to solve labor still ask why we should forin follows: deration of Trade Unions Conproblems in the Canal Zone, the Canal Zone Workers good for nothing type of worker do hereby solemnly swear ference to boycott Franco by principally the racial and eco Union. or affirm) that am not a refusing to load unload nomical discrimination which Go down to the Ancon Laun SIGN ALL AFFI member of an organization of ships to and from Spain.
repeatedly demonstrated. dry on the first or second of DAVITS CONCERN government employees that, asToledano told the United Proof of my efforts in this di each month and view with ho ING NON PARTICIPA sert the right to strike against Press: rection is the fact that this rror the retired silver em TION IN STRIKES.
the Government of the United After the Atlantic Chartcash important problem has been ployees receiveing their set in second place on the agen relief. You experience an icy States; and that during such er, everybody began to talk 10 Keep your mouth time as am an employee of about the new world and the da under discussion at the chilliness creeping up your shut and your ears open. the Navy Department (Federal new life after the war. We roundtable conference between limbs as you see that heart11 Do not brag about Government) will not be haven forgotten the Atlantic Panamanian and Canal Zone rending procession of broken the future plans of your come a member of an organi. Charter and that is why we officials.
zation Union.
of government must take the practical resoBrother Alejandro Victor ly. weak. disillusioned.
acting as master of ceremony, shattered in body and mind. 12 Do not antago to strike against the Govern people.
ployees that asserts the right lutions to help the Spanish introduced to the audience the each halting step is an agonize the members of any ment of the United States. The WFTU already has bemembers of the executive body ny. each faltering breath a other democratic Union. There is no reason why any come a center of discord in of the organization, as well as purgatory of distress. Watch 13 BUY YOUR Naval employee should refrain the UN. On Friday a com.
the delegates from the City those shadows of humanity of Colon.
reach out with trembling hands UNION PAPER EACH from joining this Union since mittee report on the role it Vice President Aston Parch to receive the meager average WEEK.
we do not advocate strikes should lay opened a major against any Government. All controversy in the Economic ment of the received of twenty dollars as a reward 14WE HAVE MANY Naval employees who are al and Social Council. Because of a great ovation after having for thirty years or more of size and international finished his lenghty and dis loyal, uncomplaining, efficient FRIENDS ON THE ready members of the Union the are advised to sign this Af structure of the WFTU, Sidtinguished speech whick we re service in the employment of GOLD ROLL.
produce as follows.
the richest, the most powerful, 15 Every true Ame who are not members are urg sent a letter to the Council ask fidavit without fear. Those ney Hillman, vice president, Today we estand at the cros the most benevolent, and the rican is our friend.
ed by us to join as soon as ing that the organization be sroads of our destiny. Forty most democratic nation on the 16. The Union news possible.
permitted to send a non voting years of fruitles toil; forty, face of the earth THE The years of inhuman exploitation UNITED STATES OF AME. paper is yours. Send in navy having issued representative to all sessions as of the Council to present its forty years of economic em RICA. The United States of articles and social items. these Affidavits serves proof to the fact that views.
barrassments; forty years of America that gave to the world the 17 Patronize your members of the reactionary sentative, and Nikolai Feonov, Henri Hauck, French repreinternal strife and insular mis a George Washington, an advertisers.
sector of the Canal Zone are for the Soviet Union, supportunderstandigs have overflowed Abraham Lincoln, and klin Delano Roosevelt. It con 18 Keep Labor Day worried about the impetus at and have now impelled us to they are, you, and you, and lendar which the Union is travelling had been rejected by the com.
ed the Hillman request which as open on your social caand are busily preparing the this supreme effort.
ittee report. John WiORGANIZATION OF THE you. all of us will have to 19. SOMETHING nant, for the and CANAL ZONE WORKERS make that monthly march of We condemn the Navy ac. Noel Baker, for Britain, genUNION. Today we fittingly the derelicts to receive a pit BIG IS COMING UP tion in issuing these affidavits erally supported the report and celebrate the coming of age tance of twenty dollars as an ON LABOR DAY.
as a move to in objected to the WFTU being of our young Union which shall average. Do you still ask why 20 THE UNION timidate the workers, thereby given special status, on the be our hope for a brilliant tu we should form the Canal WILL NEED YOU ON hoping to disrupt and obstruct grounds that other organizature, which shall be our de ne Workers Union?
the growth of the Canal Zone tions might ask the same fense against the enemies of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) Workers Union.