DemocracyEnglandStrikeWorking Class

ACTION July 4, 1946 Page ORGANIZED LABOR Why you must Join the and METAL TRADES. American Govt. whille in un79 CAPTU01990 (From Page 1) derhand, sneak thief fashion This Periodical is owped, edited, publish In openly declaring war on they continue to sabotage all alstituted by the Czw. u.
the our affiliate, we efforts to bring about a true the interest of the working dass.
accept this challenge. We un Good Neighbour Policy fosterderstand also why President ed by the American Goverment, tue 1336 Pour Pics Whale The right of workingmen to impotent to enter a wage cont Jimenez cabled Washington and President Jimenez and Ambasgroup themselves into organi ract with the great companies; stated bluntly that the trade sador Hines. It is they only Published every Friday. Printed in La Academia Printery full enjoyment of life is an only by uniting into trade any settlement of differences Government and make it a blot Vol. old problem.
Panama, RP. No. system of the middle age, works if collective bargaining, failes, Americans in the interests of to look upon with loathing at ers received food, clothing, and the unions call a general strike the Good Nenghbour Policy. the vilest of all discriminatory Registered in Panama according to laws.
shelter as compensation for by the workers. Inasmuch as He directly referred to the practices the Gold and Silver services rendered to land own. strikes cause great losses to which is the prime factor Roll.
ers or manorial lords.
the workers and society alike, in upholding the most embaras We accept challenge of War EDITORIAL unions use this method to With the abolition of the obtain their demands only a sing system of discrimination in the complete interests of in the entire world. Like a the American and Panamanian new era has begun with feudal system however, the a last resort.
prostitute who protests to much Government to halt their emin the Canal Zone which evet laboring classes felt the me With the exception of totali concerning her virtue the Me barassing tactics and dedicate tually will affect the Repuba presentation to protect them people are denied freedom of week in their newspaper that tion of the Gold and Silver tarian countries in which the tal Trades Council insists every our Union the Complete. Aboli.
lic of Panamá It is the era from being victimized by scru. expression, labor organizations they will never embarass the RoHs.
or organized labor.
Although the labor move. pulous bosses. Guilds came into are fully recognized by governexistence. These guilds, the soment is not a new story in called forerunner of organized according to the federal goments. national trade union ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS the Republic, it is very en: labor, were formed to guaran vernment of the United States Canal Zone Workers Union.
couraging to see its rápid tee craftsmen reasonable prices is any association of working Panama Federation of Workers.
growth on the Zone in the form for their products, also to Congress of Industrial Organizations.
of the Canal Zone Workers vent hentaire competition. Det peopl having two or more nited lic Workers American (Ou: Union on the Pacific side, and ween producers, and to stipul ritories of the United States branches in the States of Ter. World Federation of Trade Unions.
the Canal Zone Labor Union ate the quality of goods to be for the purpose of aiding its National Maritime Union (Seamen Branch of the.
on the Atlantic Side. There manufactured. a new day coming, not mamembers to become more skill United Auto Workers (The o. branch of automobile ñana but TODAY. The Union Worgingmen, therefore, ful and efficient workers, the workers)
membership felt the need for combined to promote their gen promotion of their general in Confederation of Latin America Workers.
a newspaper that could effec eral welfare. Trade unionstelligence, the elevation of Luis Avila.
tively present their program unions in which men of the their character, the regulation 10. Phillip Murray.
to the public, so it is for this same profession came together of their wages and their hours 11. Abram Flaxer.
reason that the Action is. were formed. The growth of and conditions of labor, the 12 Vincent Lombardo Toledang.
being published. We shall en these organizations since their protection of their individual 13. The and the deavor to bring to members inception in the 19th century rights in the prosecution of and non members as well, the has been tremendous, and no their trade or trades, the raisorientation necessary in the one can doubt the concerted ing of funds for the benefit fight for higher wages power wielded by, thade unions of sick, disabled, or unemploydecent working conditions.
we are united for the ex in England and the United other object or objects for Union, is the only hope of West Indians, the important all over the world, particularly led members, or the families of The Canal Zone Workers matters not that they were pressed purpose of replacing States.
the Hitlerian condition that The method most used by which working people may law Canal Zone employees, of the thing is that, they were from Tow exist on the Canal Zone, unions to achieve their dewith the kind of democracy to mands is collective bargaining their mutual protection or be so called alien group, for im the poor working class.
their Now, this is the outstand.
which the late Franklin single employee asking his nefit. Legislation in some of ditions.
ing point, The inoney invested Roosevelt dedicated his life; employer for a salary increase the discharge of employees be that it is necessary to do able dividends to the United Every Canal worker realizes in the Canal, has paid remarkthe kind of democracy where could not expect to receive as beings regardless of the color similar request. coming from tions. It is readily seen, there tuation. Every employee knows employees, considered as the of their skins. History proves all his fellow workmen united fore, that organized labor is that we must present a United Gold Roll On the contrary, that this can best be achieved in a solid body. As President not only recognized by de Front, to achieve the economic the flesh and blood sacrifices, by the united actions of all Theodore Roosevelt, in refermocratic governments, but that betterment to which we aspire. made by the poor workers, workers, within the ranks of ence to a mine dispute, said: heartedly by them.
is also supported whole very well, the swer is a who contributed so much, has organized, labor. Individually the miners were strong well organized Union. not, to date, produced any The over all rise in the cost In the Canal Zone, labor be. It is a common knowledge lucrative dividends to the se of living that went into effect sides its three divisions of skill that, in Unity there is Strength called silver Roll. UnfortirJuly 1, 1946, constitutes ed, semi skilled, and unskilled Now, here are some pertin. ately, it has resulted in racial CUT IN PAY. With prices group or groups.
If you feel it is high time has been classified as gold ent facts on the subject. The discrinrination oppression and rising steadily, our miserable the vicious un. American prae and silver. Gold refers to government, with one misery, for this class.
sub standard wages are worth tice of maintaining gold and Americans silver to non Amet eye on a rapid and elastic de Will the working class reless and less. Is all this to be silver discrimination be ended; icans. Skilled positions are fille fense of her coasts, and the main in this uncertain and met sitting down? We say if you feel you are entitled tó ed by gold employees who other on a world wide accele alarming conditions. NO!
a decent, living, wage (wheth are represented by the Metal ration of commerce, from which The answer is NO!
When the workers in the u. er you are a man or a woman. Trades Council, an affiliate of she could derive vast economic This is the reason for the were faced with this very then add your voice to the the American Federation of benefits, accomplished that Canal Zone Workers Union.
problem, they fought, through thousands of others in the Labor. On the other hand, great engineering featThe This is why YOU must join the for wage increases rånks of the CANAL ZONE semi skilled and unskilled la! Panama Canal. It was accom this Union, to do everything to enable them to meet sky WORKERS UNION and sup bor is performed by silver plished at the cost of millions within your power to make it rocketing prices. It is they, port the rally at the National employees, the majority of of dollars, at the cost of strong.
theket. in. e. who fought for and Gymnasium on July 4th. We workingmen in Canal Zone.
In who sacrificed their lives and MUST enroll now in the Canal CANAL WORKERS, you won the very 14 increase extend a hearty invitation to the past many attempts were blood, were in the great ma Zone Workers Union. It is zoll. We refuse to be the and friends of labor. Bring called silver workers for their jority West Indian Workers. It your only hope. forgotten man and accept your friends, bring your rela Mutual protection and beneodd penny raises at the des tions, and even bring your fit. All these efforts were cretion of supervisors, as has mother in law. TOGETHER unsuccessful, and these workbeen the practice in the past. WE CAN WIN, Let 9:30 ers, regardless of their abilitLong and bitter experience has July 4th, mark the hour when eis and capabilities, have been taught us that the only thing the Liberty Bell proclaims victims of exploitation.
resulting from a one man fight the independence of the orga Today, the truth of the axiom is the loss of a job, nothing nized Canal Zone Worker.
more. It is high time we stop united We stand, divided we BEST WHISES ped trying to fight alone and fall has been brought home, learn to get together for some MAGAZINES BOOKS. SHEAFFER PENS Due to the present paper of the Canal Zone so called if not to all, to the majority fruitful organized action. shortage, we are unable to silver worker. These workers publish a larger paper but sin are now aware of the fact GEETINGS This union, as well az its cerely hope to be able to pre that individually they have no CARDS newspaper, has no political af sent to you, with filiations, nor do we intend to issue, and eight paged paper bor has no bargaining power our next chances; that unorganized la 4th of July Ave. No. Central Ave, No. 179 offer our serviees to any po filled with all the news you that it is only through organizlitician or to any political want.
ed labor will they be able to enjoy the benefits of an abundant life.
Yes, these exploited laborers are now ready to combat the practices of discrimination and CHOPSUEY BAR un Americanish in the Canal (Formerly The White House When You Need Good up Zone. They know now that as employees of the federal govCorner of 17 West Sts. Phone 67 to date Printing ernment of the United States, Panama, the right to bargain collectively Chinese Dishes CALL PHONE 339 for better wages, shorter work.
Menu la Carte ing hours, better living condiFinest Liquors 24th St. Este Bis No. tions, better old age pension.
National and Imported etc. can only be attained through organized labor.
Cold Beer Mixed Drinks Pay us a visit and you will never regret it.
Shoes made to order Moderate Prices Workmanship Guaranteed uce Street No. 19 FOTO WALLACE BROS Pånamy GREETINGS Importers of all kinds of Wines and Whiskies at the cheepest prices in Town Central Ave. 129 Corner of St. BIBLIOTECA NACIONAL ERNESTO CASTILLERO