ANTHOLOGY of REVOLUTIONARI POXIAI Compiled and Edited by Marcus Graham With an Introduction by Lucia Trent and Ralph Cheyney An Anthology of the poetry of sccisl vision and revolt that covers the past century ab well as contemyorary English literature hss teen compiled after years of research Ly its editor, Marcus Grahen. It also includes anslaticus 01 the most important libertarizi. Tevolutionary poems of roaer kussian, Inerct, Gerner, Italita Spanish, Armenian, Ukranier, Creek, Scarcinaviin Chinese, Japanese, indiel. Eta Jenish literature.
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Twenty per cent of the profits from the Anthology sales will be given by the Publication Committee, every year, to the most weeky struge ling force for economic and political liberty.
All correspondance should be adaressed to: Marcus Graham Box 3, West Faras Station New York, All drafts, checks and money orders should be made payable to: Nicholas MOB kovitz Box 3, West Farms Station New York,