BourgeoisieCommunismStrikeUnited Front

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ДОКУМЕНТы советской эпохи htthe sovdoc. rusarchives. Ph In connection with the report on Cuba and Mexico and on the other countries, you probably have more material. do not know what estimates are made of the developments. But we discussed this matter with the Medicin comrades. There is a great reduction in the mamber of workers, mach unemployment, a layoff of 15 to 20 por cent. The last time was in Yedoo there were many striker breaking out everywhere, but we not only conld not lead them, but we could not even catch up with registering them, but now, whilo con ditions are much worse there are no strtles. The smo situation is in Cuba, where we were in position to do it we brought forth strkos, but small strikes, Toy Instance, the metal workers in Bayana declared a stoke against piece work and they won the stre, only two or three small enterprises refused to sign the agreement. This is very cher acteristic, but taicon all in all there are so strike movements.
We have a strike of fishermen 900 workers. believe could spoak for hours in discussing all the aspects of how this strice as transformed into a political strice, a stre against the government. The strike was carried out in a courgeous, bravo manner.
In connection with this strke the comrades haye als overed the Barbor. To held open meetings, and on the 4th of Mebruary wo organized a solidarity strico. Katurally 1t is possible to find in this strike a whole series of motive features. It has not developed as we conceived it, but it is not that about 3, 000 workers have gone out on strike. In a nearby tow to Sayans the whole population was on strike, Inclading the papers. about 2, 000 people were on strice. The whole bourgeois press stopped, even Machado press. The Herald of Cabe published a declaration that our workers are not organised with the other workers, but since we do not want a split we have a decided to stoy our paper also. It was hypocracy but they knew that the comrades were prepared to break up the print shop, and therefore they decided to have the strice. All of the piers of the United Fruit Company are enclosed, and none of our speakers could get into them.
You need a credential to get into their piers, and there no one struck Kevertheless the strike st111 contimes. Machado has improved upon Hish, and the marines are grandine the ships, so the workers cannot talce them Under these conditions the strike is de veloping. We have written to the United States that the comrades in the United States should Internationalise the stritice, and although believe the compedes here are familiar with the resolution how to internationalize strllos, in this struggle they hayo diven us ne help at all. One letter from the TUUL would have given a great impulse to the con timation of the struggle. believe this also must be considered a typographical error, as well as the decision to assume patranato. sent a ter to the United States that we call upon the workers here to fight against the import of fish. There was great enthuasian among the wonders there, and the stools Inediately went to the police telling them that it is against the law, and therefore the union should be declared 11 legal. Our enemies were more active than our friends. The grocers have stopped credit to the stridge workers. The workers live on the other side of the canal, and the ferred which used to carry the worlicers across have stopped doing so. Phe govern ment is sending its people to negotiato with them, but the fishermen declared the one man that they are fighting againsg otpital and they do not want any interference from the government. Three strike comuttees have been arrested, and they w11 be deported becouse all of them are Spanish, Another strike we had was a textile strice in an American enterprise. On the basis of these strices we pere developing solidarity meetings. As said before the Cuban por cors, and many of our members have tradition of this united front from above, and think that you can do nothing unless the leaders of all of the organi antions are in 1t. On the basis of concrete conditions we have broken this tradition, In connection with the notices that have been sent out for wage cuts in the various industries, we organised conference, Ne sent 25 comrados to the various factories and Shops, not from the telephone book this time, but to factories, inviting representatives from these shops for a conference for a common struggle against the declared we go ats.
Ne prepared a resolution which is very eless, and free from too many Communist slorens, written in a popular manner. This was to bo yoted on in the various factories.
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