ImperialismProfinternSovietStrikeUnited FrontWorking Class

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GLOS One of the Comrades, Valdez, was hidden ins room waiting the report that the strike has begon and the revolution started, but since nothing was happening in the streets and the comrades had forgotten about him, that he was waiting in his rool, so for three days he was running around in his room thing that since nobody has arrived, very 11ely all our people had been murdered ot that the ceneral strike was so successful that the people could not come to him. The comrades were convinced that they were doing very important revolutionary work. They have read some materials of the CI that the Party must were Independent struezle, and they said when we take from the Nationalists weapons and anns the Nationalists are 10014, they think we are going to help them got the power, but we 111 establish the Soviet Poter.
After the letter of the American Party we spent nights and nights discussing with the comrades but found 15 difficult to convince the workers that they have committed the most flagrant right wing mistale by organising this united front committee. The comrades thought that they were very revolutionary because they wanted to establish a Soviet Government, and they said, How can that be characterised as a right wing error. am afraid that wil not be modest when say that at that moment there was the greatest demoralization on the part of the comrades because of this tremendous irresponsibility. This was the situation in which had to carry on the first part of my work, in this impossible situation to attempt to put the Party on some kind of a basis. No body mas responsible for anything. When we told a courade, e ook that this must be done, the answer would be that he would ofther do nothing or resign from the party. said, we must be an effort to win over the students with the aid of an anti imperialist organtsation, So on the next morning received a notice that such a league has been formed, that the Anti Imperialist Lorgue is the vanguard of the Proletariat, that it will not for the seven hour day. that it will Mcht painst the trots sites. agloed who did it, Nobody new, said we must be in on the basis of concrete slogans to begin a campaign against unemployment. The day afterwards receive an appeal which says, we appeal to the Hindness of the people to support the umployed, Nobody move who has written it or issued it.
The place where the Party can speak to the masses was through the Confederation. At the head of the Confederation was the general secretary, Hegro. Pelar Herrexo. mas very glad to know that he was a non Party worker, Negro, a Negro from the Harbor Workers. This As good face When wrote the first appeal against the Nationalists, he said, no, the contrades are disappointed in this leaflet, we cannot use any ruch appeals in the con federation, that do not deal with economic questione. Later it was proven that Pelar Herrer, the General Secretary of the Confederation, together with the Tobacco Workers, was negotiating to organize conference of all workers with proportional representation of the Confederation, which meant to deliver the Confederation to the Lobacco Noriers, Later me discovered in the archives a wide correspondence from this same secretary with any organizations in which he declared that we must organise ourselves against the com munists and against the Profintern.
At the same time Cotoma, the former general secretary of the Party, who during all this turmoil was hidden in a room somewhere in a house of one of the leaders of the opposition, partid pated at the meetings of the opposition, which took place in the house. Then he was asked why ho 814 not partidpate in Party work, he answered he was representing the Party at these meetings of the opposition. In our Pirst appeal to the Confederation which attacloed the Nationalists and Machado, and raised a series of these partial domends, our Comrades, members of our Party voted against car draft appeal. Cotons, who was hidden all this time, came to this meeting, and Pelar Horrer proposod Cotons as a member of the comission to edit the art of the appeal which we su mitted there. At the same time Cotons bad written a letter to the Central Committee that he considers himself member of the Central Committee, and that he can be expelled from this condtteo only by a decision of the CI. On the other hand, he stated that the Party had committed a crime when the CKOM INOX lvos.
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