EnglandImperialismSocialismWorking Class

ой эпохи ДОКУМЕНТЫ СОВЕТСкой эпохи http: sovdoc. rusarchivo 66 VOS Another question, We mow that in all ovents in Latin Amerion, the driving force of development was the struggle between two imperialisme. believe there were comrades who maintained that Machado represented US Imperialism and the lationalists represented England, that faille to find proof that the Nationalists are inspired by the British, they have decided that the theory of the struggle between two imperialistas is appli cable to the entire world that not to Cuba. hava talcen a position against such point of view the material at disposal clearly shows that the strugple of thgland and the United States for Cubs is of long standing. want to refer to Comrade Polofaly article which says that there are comrades, who as Masxians are trying to find an economic basis for all the events and struggles that take place in the world, but when we bayo an event for which we cannot find an economic explanation, such comrades proceed to negate the event itself. In this case 1t is this sort of a mistate of the contrades, who because they cannot see the econonde basis for the struggle want to deny the very exstence of the struggle between British and United States imperialism in Cuba, the fact of the matter is that ingland has been trying to interfere in the events in Cuba all of the time. The Nationallsts km, of course, that it they have dorlings with England, United States will never agree to the removal of Machado, which would explain why the Nationalists would not 50 readily accept the offers of England, but whether England has or has not direct econome laterests, she has done byerything to support the Nationalists, but this does not mean that the Nationalists were behaving as Ingi wanted them to behave.
DATE few facts. At the time of the sharpest conflicta, a British warship was in the Havana Hrvoor. An excursion of 55 prominent Canadian capitalists visited Kavant and carried through a series of negotiations about certen import and export arrangemente, and belleve that certain offers made by them have more political than commercial value.
The Visit of Sir Eric Dumont must also be mentioned in connection with that. We have a letter from Paris, where the comrades, say that many transports of munitions have been sent from England. We candy. In opinion that the Machado is for the United States and the lationalists for England, but it can be said that England has done everything possible to sharpen the struggle. will not say a few words about the organization of the working class. don think need brins figures about the econo dc conditions of the workers. Where are 600, 000 unemployed.
Nages have been reduced at least 20 per cent, and naturally every movement on the mugar market effects the conditions of the workers. will make a rough division among the world class organizations. We have the Fascists. the Rat lroad Brotherhood. At the head of the organisation we have Vabrigan Rovello. These are the employees of the secret police. The officials of this union, carry, as union officials, mandates of the secret police. On the question of the mergency lew, Revello, the leader of the Brotherhood has written an artiele entitled The Socialist IA Has Come, proving that there is only one president in Latin America who understands that the tex la must be directed against the rich. second article by Reyello says that one of the best fathers of the world ng class in Chiba Is Machado, there were sometimes unpleasant things which rose out of situations with the workere, but this was the femalt of the radicals who were inciting the meses against Machado. This railroad organisation has 45, 000 members, but none of the locals of the union pay dues. It is an absolutely ficticious member. The organization is rotten through and through. We must understand that last year we have succeeded in securing the leadership of the union, becsLSO the masses were supporting us. One comrade was aseassipated, one comrade in charge of the ballot boxes was taken ay by the police, and the candidates were arrested. So although we conquered the union, with the support of the ABSOs, it could not be realized. le still have some conndations with this union, but it is now one of our weakest spots. We have not set foot really in the union. Officially it means that these badits are the representatives of 45, 000 workers The second classification is the Tobacco workers, the Torcedores. There are about 40, 000 members in this union. We onll the leaders of thosef Gose Tesisonox http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru