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63 Another way out was being looked for. He(Machado) began to talk about the 08tablishment of state bank to establish Cuba right to money issue, but then the question was raised on what would the money be issued. So the question of the stato band was taken off the agenda. have also heard talk about a divorce law. could not understand what it is all about, in the midst of this terror and stree le a sudden discussion about a divorce law. In tube 1t is not so difficult to have a couple of wives, you want to so it appears that the povernment loold for sources of income, Inowing that the American millionaires and others a will come to look for divorce in Obe, and that this is a very expensive thing in the United States, proposed the divorce LRY 88 something that could offer a little income to the government. It is ridiculous, but it is a fact. The United States was unfavorable to the proposition, and the thing was dropped This indicates that the government, feeling bankrap is selaing on every pretext to cain some income. The foreion debts mount to 250 million. could prove Mort high rates of interest are being paid on public debt. One of the measures actual adopted for a solution of the crisis was the Amergency Law. have in one of my letters briefly described the character of this law. This Emergency Law was not worked out from the point of view of regulating conditions in the country to perdt the development of one branch of industry 16 was not considered from that point of view at all. It was drawn up under the impact of panic. The prices for registering birth, formerly 50 cents was now 00; taxes were placed upon Imports, and charges were raised on the issuance of foreign papers, the tax upon imports had to be changed or abolished upon the protest of the various merchant Machado was look for short cut to increase the income of the treasury and was taldng everything he could think of. Naturally, all the watchants, theatre owners, etc. immediately raised the pricecof their commodities, shifting the burden of the tas upon the consumers. It is impossible to say whether the mergency law hes actually tuproyed the financial co sition of the government. It is clear that the emergency law was creating a shrinkage of consumption. th the conclusion of the sugar harvest, the buying was reduced considerably, and it is very unlticely that the emergency law would improve the fnancial situation of the goverment. cannot dwell very long on the political importance of Oaba for the United States. only want to remark that Machado represents the consolidation of bourgeois power in Cuba. went to emphasise that the idea of cooperation of the liberals, conservatives and the other parties was not on the basis of of agreement on a big economie and polition questions. As was Intomed Menooal and the other politicians were kept from being in opposition because Machado paid Menocal 10, 000 out of the Income of the lottery. Perhaps mustalen, but this seems to me to be the reason for the so called harmony that prevailed among the bourgeois Parties in the beginning the Lottery in the Latin American countries is also great source of sqeezing large sums of money from the masses who deny themselves food to participate in the lottery in the hopes of getting rich quick. Machado is getting tons of thousands of dollars out of this lottery, which enabled him to bw over these vamos politicians. It would be wrong to us that the opposition be can just because the Lottery decreased and therefore bribery decreased. That would not be correct analysis of the opposition, will not repeat here the program of the nationalists. will mention some of the points: Restoration of the Constitution of 1902, the enlarging of the suffrage laus, against the big expensee on public works, 11ce the palace, public roads, etc. and the main point, that Machado must go. state that in order that we can see how far the Nationalists have gone back on their own demands. They are already going against their main programatic demands. believe we must find an oportunity to discuss in detail what were the real forces of the tarpinte den Inox http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru