Workers FederationWorking Class

l Sowdoc. rusar 13The composition of the Central Committee is a tailor, a building worker, a metal worker, a shoemaker. None of these comrades knows how to write. They are literate, but they cannot write for publication. All of Dhe riting 18 done by this young student, or by Comrade Hova in Yiddish, and 17 18 translated into Spani6h, My own Spanish is far from Certantes, This is the situation in respect to writing propaganda. We prepared for the first of May a paper, and these were all translations. The paper was published in the print shop or a social fascist, and they cut out some of the most important Blogans, etc. This is the situation, a Central Committee of workers that is ready to do anything. It is necessary to work with them to know what splendid revolutionary material they are. But the ideological level 18 80 low that they must be watched every second, otherwise you can never tell what will happen, received today a letter from Hova. It is very unhappy. In organizing the May First Committee, the comTades have eleoted a social Tasoist from the Harbor Workers Federation, This is the same fellow who told the police about our appeal to the American workers.
To be the secretary of a union or a Confederation in Cuba means to be continually in the greatest danger. One of our comrades was sent to Santiago de Cuba. As soon as he left the railroad station he was arrested, and at night he was taken to a field and was almost murdered. But the next time we told him to go to another place, he went without any hesitation. This same comrade declared at a meeting that he was not interested in someone in Moscow writing resolutions toat we have to darry out. On the other hand, he is one of the best fighters and one of the best comrades for carrying out work. It 18 naturally very easy to draw such comrades into all kinds of deviations. When Comrade Gonzales made a report to the youth that there are so many shop nuclei it was also a typographical error. Our nuclei mase organized as trade union nuclei. There are no shop nuclei and no street nucleil It 18 very difficult to differentiate between the functions of the trade union Traction and a trade union nucleus. This is a weakness of the Party. Another weakness is the composition we have Spanlards, Jews and Oubens, When say we have many Spaniards and many Jews, it is not that we have too many, but we have too few Cubans. This is one of the greatest airficulties. The best comrades, the leaders of the Party are being deported. When a Cuban worker is arrested, he is either assa88inated or released. Aroreigner 18 always deported. It is clear that when our Party active is toreign, the basis of the Party 18 uncertain and weak.
The Party has made no investigation of the agrarian conditions. Nevertheless it has very much influence, being the only working class party. The workers know that this Party will not betray them, Despite the very big mistakes made last October, the Party has not been destroyed. In Havana We have about 15 nuclei. We have about 150 members, we never have less than 300 people on the streets responding to our calls. The masses know that these demonstrations are Party demonstrations and when we consider that not all of the 150 Party members come to the demonstrations, measured by the street demonstrations we can say that the Party is carrying along with it non Party elements. Speaking about the influence of the Party, it you include the workers organized in the Confedebation, we must say that its influence 18 larger than its membership.
while terror prevails everywhere in Cuba, in some parts of Cuba it is inpossible to work. In one or theprovinces there are copper mines where me coula organize the workers. Every time we send BGDAO ve send BGPOSTR bere bere garantontex terin xxthe http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru