CommunismSovietStrikeUnited Front

33 the Railroad Brotherhood, the Tobacco Workers and then there are all kinds of other organizations of very little strength. cooks, peddlers, etc. and the aim was always to get the largest mumber of signatures and stamps of organizations endorsing this action, and fundamentally speaiding, our Confederation, which has about 20 unions made united front with the Tobacco Toricors where there is only one union. The latest united front comdttee was such a committee. They brought together all the heads of these various unions, and they have declared, that if Machado will not liberate the political ori sonere they will declare a general strlice. This general strile, as can be proven, by documentary evidence, was engineered by the Nationalists, who were driving this committee to bring about the general strike. As was correctly stated in the letter of the American Party, the comrades have et failed to see that the Yellow leaders will do all they can to betray the strike. Men Mechado found out the only demand was the release of the political prisoners, he said, all right will liberate the political prisoners because if want to can arrest them again next week. Our comrade, Montaro, the Secretary of the Confederation, has record of having been arrested 17 times. It is clear that Machado was rieldne nothing when he was promising the committee that he would release the political prisoners. Another thing, the executive of the united front committee said, If we propose a general strilce, te must go first to the police and present an ultimatum. Our members of the Central Committee of the Party, our own comrades also went to the police, and negotiated for the release of these political prisoners. It is clear that the general strike collapsed with the promise that the prisoners will be released. The Yellows immediately began to withdraw from this campaign. Then the Party decided to be left and declare the strlice on its responsibility, and here our Party began to seek the support of the nationalists, Inesmuch as they had lost the support of the United Front Committee, and they wanted to have a strike before the first of November, because on the first of November the elections to the Parliament mould take place, and the Nationalists were issuing a slogan, The elections will not tale place.
The Communists at that time were very anxious to have a strilce and to have it about November first. The question is that there must have been a force behind these Party leaders who would have the strilce, and that force could have been no one else but the Wationalists who wanted to break down the strike There is another thing which find it very difficult to speak about as a Courmanist and a Comrade. The Central Committee appointed a revolutionary committee. They confined the committee in a certain room, and they decided to prepare a certain houses for the eventual dead and wounded during the strice. They decided that Comrade Acela should mobilize the doctors and sympathizers with us as first aid. Shey had no money, so they found someone who advanced 30. 00. With this so called material resources, without telling a word to the workers, or organizing the workers, into fighting groups, in the hope that the Nationalists will dve them munitions and then weapons and arms, they have decided to explode the most important street cars, to throw some bombs in the police stations, to explode some bridges in the provinces and then establish a Soviet Power. You would not suspect we of joldns. but this is a fact. Then a comrade asked the Secretary of the Party when will you declare the strile? He said, When all is prepared we will call meeting. In this meeting we w11 declare a general strike. So It was a general strike prepared in secret. cotone declared in a small meeting: Tomorrow we seize power. This was the situation, and very creat demoralization set in after that. Our comrades in the various union textile and tramay, these corrades began to It do vote against the Party.
They were against the general strile. For instance, Comrade Acela refused to join this revolutionary counttee. She said she will carry out the instructions, she wil ten look for a house, find doctors, etc. but she said, you are preparing a blood bath for the Trorkers. As a result she was sent to the Control Commission. She is still under charges.
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