CommunismCommunist PartyImperialism

On the question of the emergency law. At one time it was clear that the wrath of the masses was reaching a culminating point. In one of my letters have written that Comrades came to the Party saying that the merchants are ready to make a revolution, that some merchants came to the Federation of Labor, asking whether the Party will support the revolution. At that moment it was a splendid opportunity for the nationalists to utilize this Bituation against Machado, but the Nationalists have let this opportunity pass also. Why? Because they are no good, or because they do not understand? No, they gave it up because they expect to get into power, and reelize that they themselves have no other solution of the crisis except the low. When sugar costs one penny and the palace has been built and they must pay for it, and money must be gotten to cover the expense, and certainly they would not tell the United States they would cancel the foreign debt, therefore they would not be opposed either to the Onadbourne Plan or the emergenoy law. Therefore, our agitation was understood by the masses, that the nationalists only wanted one thing to get into power, and on the morrow they would squeeze out the last drop of blood. In this situation, the Communist Party, fighting against its own liquidation and not to permit the workers to fight the Nationalists, the workers would have understood us. In the question or the relation to United States Imperialism, Machado and the Nationalists are one and the same. Because we succeeded in proving to the masses that in the main questions or Cuba, Machado and the Nationalists ocoupled the same position, the workers understand that our position on the Nationaliste was the correct one, although the Nationalists were also against Machado and the sympathy or the masses was for all those we were against Machado the row theationalist Therer or believe that thi estimation and the help we can give to the Party non 18 very important. Because 11 we ao not continue to support the Party against the Nationaliste which was initiated with tbe letter of the American Party there is a danger that they will repeat their former mistake. It 18 neoessary to formulate this estimation of the Nationalists; namelys that the Nationalists have no solution for any of the economio problems confronting Cuba, that they have not fought against the emergency lar, or the Onadburne Plan, and the Communist Party was the only force that has proved to the workers, peasants and poor masses the real character of the Nationalist position, were lente in the courserades, but when the role scope of Before come to the condition of the Party, must say some more about the general situation. When we speak about the Nationalists and about Machado terror against the Nationalists, against the workers, it must be said that the teroor was against the nationaliste, sometimes worse than against the workers. In Santiago de Ouba 44 people were assassinated. Perhaps some were workers, but they were assassinated as an act against the Nationaliste.
In Oriente in the course of 10 weeks 255 people were assassinated. We know among them were some comrades, but when we speak about the terror of Machado during these months, when we take the whole scope of the terror, and there were also various attacks against workers, against the Party, we see 1t was chiefly directed against the Nationaliste, But the Nationalists nave not answered with a single terrorist act against the government. We called it the impotence of the Nationalists. The person most hated by the Nationalists was Calvo. It was very easy to kill hin, but none of the Nationalists undertook to do it. Bombs were thrown, but no bombs were thro at specifically hated individuals, so you see that neigher politically, nor economically, nor from the point of view of self defense have the Nationalists carried out an active part. On the contrary they were pursuing the policy of impotence.
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