Il sovdor wore te possible to speak of the Nationaliste as a Party that has a certain organization, a Party that is able to move this organization along certain policies. It is my opinion though have no material to prove what am going to say, that the Zationalists represent a group of political speculators, who have succeeded in utilizing the hatred against Machado, the collapse of the country in order to overthron Machado and to talce power in their own hands. They are loud spealdne, which shouts to the world that there is a movement. But the activities are among the students. On the streets are only the students and the worlders, the Nationalists were always somewhere in the baclaround. They wnice no attempt to pablish a paper, they make no promises to the masses. believe it is only the hatred of the masses for Machado, the economic collapse of the country that enabled the Ketionalists to 2001, to swindle the masses, and give them the impression that there is an organization to lead them.
All attempts of the Nationalists to overthrow Macheda were a failure. My? me Nationalists never had any mess power on which to base themselves. In the fortress of Hayana, the condition was such that the locles of the machine guns were brolen oft and talven away, the commander of the guard was with the Natiomlists, but nevertheless the thing failed. Tantever attempt was made was made in the form of pretending to engineer some Idnd of attack in order to frichten Machado and cive him the impression that the masses were behin the Nationalists, but as a matter of fact the meses were never mobilised behind a struccle against Machado. This is the story of all of the Tationalists strupeles.
the 12trede that wonder whether the Latin American comrades would agree with this analysis of the estimation of the nationalists. From my point of view of the Nationalists, you understand how macie was the failure of the Party, when it went to the letionalists offering its servtces to the Nationalists. was very brutal with the Party because 1t hed offered its services to the Nationalists before the October strice. have requested the comrades to give a statement of the character of the taxattstax negotiations carried on with Mendietta. In this conversation, our representatives came to Mendietta and said: We are ready for a general strtice. T111 you give us sufficient arms In this first phase of the nationalist activities, before the terrorist acts were proven to be a fet lure, one of the Nationalist leaders declared. Yes, we now how to begin a revolution, but we don know hot to finish it, and refer to Russia. What did he want to say by that? That at the beginning when the Nationalists hoped that their terrorist acts would succeed, then they abstained from negotiating with the workers, expecting to do it by themselves. But when their terrorist sets were failures, they came to the opinion that only one force can bring them to power, only when they utilize the workers. This is a mistalo that we made, that we have not established up to now, we have not reacted properly to find out through which channels the Nationalists were penetrating the Party. am convinced that Cotone was an agent of the lationalists in the Party, but the other a lly of the Nationaliste in the Party was the Party lack of understanding of its own role in the situation. have material here, showing, that even after the change of the Party line, after the letter of the American Ferty, and after have been there for a month, Cotone was seeld ng in various ways to demora 11:e the workers, to prove to them that it is wrong for the Party to refuse to take money from the rationalists in order to prepare the general sbblice. was trying to find out, were the stationalists against the Chadbourne Plan. They were not for a moment against the Chodbourne Plan. The people who wrote articles, etc. for the Plon mere either Nationalists or people inspired by the Chadbourne Plan, they new that it was a plan which would ruin the Colonos, and which would strengthen the American position, that Cuba was the only country that was offered on the altar of the Chadbourne Plen. But on the eve of the International Agreement for the Chadbourne Plan, the Nationalists declared that since they were on the eve of getting into power they would refuse to recognize this agreement. Otherwise they have never said a word against the plan. Документы Советёкой Элски http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru