CominternImperialismWorkers Movement

hun sovdoc. rusarchihvas. 23 not only that, but all delegates should be obliged to do serious work through the Caribbean organs, sinoe it is urgent that these function and work effieniently.
The international organs have overlooked the importance which Central America has as one of the determining factors of the coming war against our fatherland the USSR, since it should not be forgotten that the Panams and Nicaraguan canals are in Central America and that up to date this fact has not been given serious importance. With the outbreak of serious mass revolutionary movements in each country, not only would we constitute a strong solid base for our struggles in the Caribbean zone, but all of our activity would encounter strong serious bases for our activity against imperialism, especially against Yankoo imperialism, which ber down on this zone. But without our leadership it is impossible that these movements consolidate and become materialize; there is revolutionary temperament among the working passes and the agricultural workers, but a great onormous sotivity in the se countries is lacking The delegates who have attended the congressos have not come with a serious sizm of understanding of each country which they have been representing. Therefore the international organs have not only not been able to completely uderstand the situation reigning in these countries, but also bre the importance which these countries have for the international labor movement has been lost to these organe. Also, it is necessary to state that all the delegates or at least the majority of them have simply to come to tell so many lies to the Congresses about fiotitious organizations which they have, when in reality there is nothing of the land.
Fenoa territorit the importance of creating a Caribbean Secretariat of the Comintern, of the IRA, of the KIM, but with serious support and effective backing in all Its works. For this, the best form of organising the Seoretariat would be to draw the best comrades from each country who, knowing the country could work together with all the other of all the other countries. Under these conditions there would be a real NWU Secretariat and it would work efficiently. On the other hand, it is necessary to consider that after a determined period of time it would be necessary to change the elements and to send them once again to their HEX respective countries of origin in order to draw new elements for the work of the Secretariat.
It is owing to this faot that delegates like Comrado Ricardo Martinez come, who promise a great deal and when all is said and done, absolutely nothing is done.
This not only discourages the lastly conscious comrades, but it Qauses the seriousness and responsibility of those who send him to be lost. As say, am profoundly against the continuation of the expenditure of money to send tourist delegates who render no practical work and who on the other hand spend a quantity of money which is necessary for rent active work in th organizations. The delegatos should be capable comrades, who should not only have a fixed aid for their expenses, but also the offective backing and support of the Caribbean organs. The same thing could be said of Comrade Montero who in order to justify the expenditures made, painted a series of untruths in his reports.
With respeot to the Seoretariat of the MOPR for the Caribbean, it has not only helped me economically P with the little that it could, but it is the only one that functions regularly and which maintains olose relations with all the Caribbean. The Sub Committee of the CSIA does not function up to this date, outside of 1ts manifiesto of January 10, its work does not appear and is completely null.
The Colonial Department of the CCCP of the United States. does not function regularly. Its communioations to fulfill the thesis of Zusinen are fow, its directives poor and very very backward; also, there is no cooperation in the daily work. The thesis of Kusinen on the duties of the parties of the metropolis with respect to the colonial and semi colonial parties is oarried out theoretically, by means of twenty letters at the most. But cooperation in the work does not exist. Yet we cannot say that they are not aware of the situation in Central Amerios, since they receive my reports AJOR MEHTBI COBETCKO Onox Ichives http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru