
RCKO SMO ДОКУМЕНТЫ советской эле Buswers UE During the months of February and March the organization weakened in numbers rapidly, prinoipally owing to the fact that all the old elements became frightened at the growing combative character of the FRT and owing to the sympathy that existed between many sincere elements bh and the traitorous leaders, since it must be remembered that there was a deep personal sympathy of the majority of the mass of the FRT for the traitors.
The CP and the YCL began a work of recruiting among the workers on the plantations, recruiting work among the villages and cities was strengthened, and the artisans were definitely abandoned as constitutiwe elements of our revolutionary organizations, owing to their enormous prejudices, their personalism and their petty bourgeois tendencies.
The ascending growing crisis was a decisive factor in the struggle against opportunism. Because the masses having their eyes opened by the situation, the poverty, the constant lowering of wages, the throwing out of work of masse in the country and the constant impoverishment of our class termined the triumph of our CB and YCLOPAPPeret overblik opportunism and betrayal.
The political situation became sharper owing to the fact that the different po11tical faotions moved by Yankee imperialism (Araujo, Cordoba, Max Martinez, Miguel Tomas Molina) and those moved by English imperialism (Alberto Gomez Zarate and Antonio Claramont Lucoro) were not only bitter in the election campaign, but that also, this struggle was reflected in all the orders of the country, servent like in the Banoo Agricola Hipotecario, some wanting it to be a Bank organized as a corporation and others that it be a State Bank to be able to control it by means of the Layton Bennett Chinie Stait, the auditor ship of the nation; all this showed open struggle.
Our CP and YCL. faced by their Reakness, found it necessary to face the ir organisms in the following forms struggle to boycott the elections and to win over the masses for our organization, The Hay Congress of the FRT revealed the work achieved by all the members of the CP and the YCL. Not only was the constituent congress organized with a olear line for our whole trade uniorganisation. Consolidating the struggle against opportunism and betrayal on one side, on the other, crystallizing the daily work which after some difficulties was effected. The first strilo was organized against the Cia. de Aguas, Ltda. affecting more than five hundred workers; a list of demands was drawn up (collective contract. From this moment the government began to change into a seru feudal national fasoist government, since troops, the National Guard, regular ve and investigating police were sobt; the failure of the strike later served as a material rich in practical experiences, which was made use of prinoipally in the country.
It was after May that the locals of the CP in Santa Tecla with from 15 to 20 members, as organized, as well as that of Armenia with oight members and that of Sonsonate with more than 25 members: in San Salcador there is a Looal with more than 10 members and the CC made up of seven members. The P social composition of the CC consists entirely of workers, activeps studious, but with very little revolutionary experience owing principally to the lack of revolutionary tradition and the the still existent adeologioal wealmess.
The Lool of San Salvador consists entirely of wage earning workers. That of Santa Tecla, of agricultural workers with the exception of three workers of the village. That of Armenia, of agrioultural workers, and one petty proprietor, but of good, solid class consoience. The majority of the Local of Sonsonate are agricultural workers, there are three railroad workers and five or sic workers of small shops.
The YCL has a CC composed of seven menbers, all of them workers in small shops.
The Local is made up of workers from small shops and they total from 10 to 12 members. At this writing it is almost certain that the YCL local of Sonsonate has been organized.
The majority of the leaders of the FRT and the Caribbean MOPR are members of the YCL, but they work under the line marked by our party.
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