DC thought Thomas Uribe was a tin Jems Before that ma had eelled Castrillon, le cave hiss every chance to work. Se aivo Ma charge of very important trade union work which we did not do sever attended to it. The onlything he would do wes to to some meetings of the womployed and speak, bat he would never carry out the line in his speeches. Most of the time he would never corte. Finally this follow went into partnership with one of the gambling houses under the condition that he will not participate in any fons or fashion in the worldng elaes Movent. When we got wine to that wo ekolonad it to the members and we expelled the son of a ditch, although his probationary period was not over. The 01 demanded his e leion, but while was in NORCON SAW nowe lotters of Castrillon which showed sincerity and 100 they were quite wenk on worlding class type of leaders, etc. thou tht that maybe this could be won over to received a calorem, to change expulsion to probation. The did that. As said, he is thoroughly corrupt. Down there, to as adott mistakes did not mean anything, with these old types of SRB Tron the old og of the SRP there really ined two couredes one is an Ameriena and the other is requiero.
He is a very good comrade, Hell, ao la this way is ten months we had expelled 11 of the principal lenders of the Central Committee without dierupting the Party. On the contrary we utilized all those emulsions to make a napada is the Party on opportunio, ete. It did not disturd our mark at all, On the contrary, eh time we expelled one of these e received telo o con ratu lation, ate. As the movement des to pick np. mony of the old opportuniete also come back They were forng new coupe in coll. He has fit with ocht of thon, whom we had to expel. He did not see too much nose about these expresions in the provinces, so that there was no panic created about it. By the time lost there was only one place that was not cleaned up. That was Medailin. sont in one of our boet organizers, dont know what came out of it. There we had one of our best leaders of the YSR Youy populor one, She did not apcept the line of the CI renlly. She said she accepta it as a matter of Aloeinline. There we activity on the question of monplogruent, ete. there. The reason we had not an organiser there sooner was because the expense of travel is something awal. TO travel there costs a lot of money and the Party there is altogether boo poor. This des a little 11lastration on the question of the fight inst opportuniste. Ech time that pallad particular way wo expelled ba on sething concrete, for organising ſectional activities at the cc, for siltenes with libents or conservatives. By the left we had the principal opportamists pretty well cleaned. did not lewat he tine left whether thomas Uribe Karques had joined the Liberals or conservativen, it he was melding overtures to the. OBETOKOMOTO The Party then land between 1, 000 and 1, 200 mandors when lost, and the situation was meh that we expected that with six months to work we could have a Ferty of 000. The dangor there is in cetting the Party swped with ardentarios. Se could est a treendous aber of these cond proletarianised ponsente Into the party but considered it a little bit dangerous, and me were always trying to balance our policy is mch a fashion that we are in a we mber of worcere, se concentrating more upon the recruiting on the e morcere, but the peasants JUST CONE IN BY S RS. When left we had bent in some orconisere in places where we had no Mornant, and just by little oraphed leaflets we were getting the possants. In some other districts, boost entirelyconcurvative, they were coming home to us, which was a sign that we were badanning to get hold of the see end that there was a favorable situation for joining the movement amongst the urban proletari!
with the movement among the seni proletarian possants. About six walce before left, in one of the country distriots, where to hd pod organisation, they had forbielon us manifesto tions. The pensante there were pretty well organised so bout 800 peasants with rirlos.
and their long knives which they wed for cutting coffee, werched right into the center of the town and hold a ifestation, and among the 30 constabulary who were ording the mainifestation we had 16 sympathisers. We even had contact with the police boemse they were making we cuts.
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