Civil WarCommunism

ой эпохи IGOS ДОКУМЕНТЫ СОВЕТСКОЙ ЭПОХИ htu: sowiloc. rusarchives. 48 in the country stricts. Inside of ten months we had the SOS orked up that the governant la mot tary to proceed against us. Olloya Herrera the President would send orders arrest 11 of the lenders but they were not arrouted. General de arrested would be out In ton days. So by the Grotte of mind foetation, agitation and u us movents of the workers against mage outs we had in ton montha a Party of more than 1, 000 bors which were for the first no organised more or loss along the lines of Constant Purly. soy more or less hot boomine the cold not know how to organso it, but boot: so it was not to organise these workers in ow orgintlone Only In Bogota and woolly apply strictly Communist methods as to arty tuottondag redatively compared with other countries.
We had a digat against the opportamiats. The former leaders of these party they were some of the worst scoundrels. You can only compare it hero with any. give you some Austrations, as to their idons about strategy. Before 01 loya took over the proofdoney ano tretion of the Conservativon tried to prevent his tading power by Loroo of me. they had nesilap liary hondgertors. They had plenty of rimes and everyone was udhe there is going to be a civil war. They tried to appeal to us and they said, Moll, you Deys are day, we want to dye you 200 Milos. They wanted to organise the sensition of ollaya, condition that the follors to do the job should be Consorvatives but it would onundse te couple of days later w articles in papers of mature that the CP had da mooting and decided to a to the president. They were planning to blame the adorsomtion on ue, then declare martial law and then arreo everybods not only us but anyone who was opposed to the conservative government and then declare legally that the 2nd one in the election should take the orttoes Of coure you an imagine what that would have resulted in. printed loulot eposing the whole business, which we posted in the whole tout, doolaring our position that it does not matter to the worlds olsss whether one complotter helds of tee or the other, and plaining our position. After that Norges would not come to any meetings. at he thought he could play dth me 13ce with the othe follow that was there from the ProNinter, who we arood oonredo, but a fool politically He thought he could do something lar wth me. After he saw it doont work he got alaisted and he dropped oxt of activity in the newly elected Control Contatto. Ho did not toko action or anything against him, we were just had he should stay ay mas me one of the principai lenders of the party, the theoretician of the party, no one Morro Daylilar, expitalist. The follou doulared ho acceptes the line of the ea button oleotiong canto around, ho proposed an 8214 noo with the laborale, the cannot oppoelte of what the ci maid an and the very thing for wideh bo me condomed in the ci lottere Hoked out and mdo ampaign against and do on and so forth the higibolit Letter arrival thoro.
Sector the By the way, when the CI lattor first arrived there the Conservative press pdlced it up and almost the whole lottor pablished in the Bourgeoist prone, and that is how the letter pot oprond among the DDOD, boom. orm paper had very ill ofreulation. After the expulsion of this follow the opportunists in Bogota pot together and they began to Amation sort of Ito a Central com tot. The hooled up with some of these former soorindrels one who used to be with the trop teul 041 Company. The mus the intermediary between the Tropical ofl and the PSR. Thes0 Oppermitts got to other the wore moeting more or loss rogularly and songst then we ono comrade of oura. So we got information se to what we going on there, they were sending out there launks as organisere. when we algured we had sorrethin good on the wo opomod upa on the and Anally got proof on Thoodoro Umbe Marques of signing Credentials to organisers. There were 11 Zulong about this follow wong the dentarios, but we did ood to Isolste hint that time and Content Origin then we called Thomas Uriba Marques after ton month th. Uribarques used to malce Socce of his oney by or aning on or banene. Har tried to be the mastermind of arile and this was the principal leader of the Birty whom the tourgeolo perces popularised. When we spelled him, he got ust one follow in Bogota who wa half emany, the only one who still гской эпохи ves. La Документы советской Элоки http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru