ДОКУМЕНТЫ советской эпохи Toiture sovdoc. rusarchives. 47 ской эпохи archivos The objoetive situation as misma very favorable. The orisis ing already set in the Hiberal goverment ald not do anything for the os beat the masses were al gioned by the Iboral Overnant. pon laye Tarter, the Iboral President moet, Ms Inteed In offer there me the oosdoshetition in Bogot. That was the antion that found when got there. It took us about one weak to score o odsto. lo had en address to which to go but this person that was the corneetion bed herself. Maden that you could not sind hor in that place to wore sont to another plnob and there they also said we dont lesom. voll after a welke we found the commotion. Then we called a crttoe meeting. This would too that alled itself the Control Cottee. Of course we proused then to tell us the retul story (I alrendy told you how they got Haidated during these electionss)
they got some money to win their nagn from the conservativos which they scoopted, with the little connections that we had ground Dogote and even paying the ture of some comrades in other places we held a solled Panthes Posms not anything as you are accustomed to look upon as a Mona. Pret of all none of them were olooted there was no one to aleet thon. Just do and AS con dered one of us and he was invited and he one to Bogotu to the Plann. the band never lenorm such a thing as to aleet anybody oven in the old days. In this my thoro came to other 25 to 30 persona, 08 11 these when lost there were only about in the Party not counting the students and so forth. And that is how we hold the Play this we the Menu that approved the letter of the Col. There wo oleoted the now Centrul Cottoo. After the they least 21 dlopersed and only or active corrades remained in Bogota, with those or casador the work ms started and about two courados from the provinces that renainod in the Party with this courtoe we first started a movement on the qua dion of unloyment. This was the most burning Logo. Hell we got some response from the workers on this question.
In Bozotne the roopongo was not good wat later on the responso In the other places better. The Pret manifestation WB broken up by berula. In thooo mansostations there participated 500 worloors. He hold it right in the capital and there took place a battle there on July 17. Thexo WAS Act on, the tlurowing of songs, ato. Yll there were BOBO Areatod but m not among the arrested. All of our most active contados except one wore 11 arrestodengodt In that manifestation, they were relased after 10 days by a Conservative Judgo. what was tho first manifestation that the Ilberals broke up which discouraged our contrades a great cool. hoy bralce up about manifestations 10ce this. Dat with this the conservative press po plenty of publiety to Mo miestation boom so they wanted to oronte fooling among the workers that the Cormat Party as opposing the nerovertente so those minifestations got considerable publicity ad later on vo wore Loohoed upon by the massed as rol opponents to the banal govoront. Thoso muitostatione ad us a great deal of good. To never nisood an opportunity for manifestations, the reasons was the folloding.
It was my opinion that it was novas Nrat of 11 by tational methods to an tablish now line. The could only be done in that mor in order to do up the museos to sanderayand that the Rury was about the thod to distribute as many lolots as possible.
Thon we hold mun fostations on purely looal questions. This we found to be the most conVendent method to get activity from our now roer te. On the fourth sant costation we had orgmised, the organisation in Bogota and a few defonso groups and is the fourth damonstration the groups were amod, and when the fonds began to attuck, our defense corps gave it to thom, one of our people were lurt. After that they did not bother mostations any more at least as long as was there. think the defense group proposition cont.
med Lator on. Later on the response of the ricors was better. No hnd a manifestation that trusses in ela partioipated 5, 000.
arrested int des preus que he workerscrubie o lere plenty og of goode Toon that she be done in the AS Of course thoror of organising the Party is not mich an onay job. We concentrated on Rorota, triod to attract the workers in Bogota. Ines did coollent work on that The developed a totally new group who were never in the Party before. Out of those we picked out for trained them as organisers Only the remned in Bogota. We cant thon into other detalots. It only after that that the organisation dovoloped on Betonne soule. The orisisme grond ng so fast, and here with the Alght between the two parti og getting hotter and hotter, ot preare contally and we were avon ang mand pantat VmesToT CobeTCKU Yos http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru