
стой эпохи archives ДОКУМЕНТЫ СОВЕТСКОЙ ЭПОХИ butyre sovdocrusarchives. 43 climates. In there they have started various plantations, cotton, tea, Flao, etc. all new undertaldings.
There are salt mines. There is one of the pkincipal government Inces. The government hes a monopoly on the with those minore, and with the miners of the copper minor me had some valuable contesta when left. COBETCKOWONOX Questions How many played in the compor almost Answert lo oro kowe the coddam corpo. one told me they have about 1, 000. It 18 totally in the wildemes there is no road, only the mountain road. You can then trave Borose the mountain by this or the river a motor boat, which they use only for there 101 Yor instance, could not venture in that territory. You have to have special pent from the DDV It must be one that is the travels toross the mountains, under pretense that he le poing to work as one of the workers who work then consonally com de to Rino Venture where we have a little po.
Den there are the salt miros. Dis is a monoply of the government, and from this they got their principal Incomb. Sezt is very high priood in Colombia. Hith the salt miners me have some Yery od contacts, then left we were madag effort to organi miners, le had the organized in one plot. He had 150 in a set minore union.
MONDO Most of these workers are now proletarians. Not all, wat west of the they come and 80.
been this work is very hard. The mit winers have a torrilla work be there is bolutely no pretootlon a very week cols de son fall into the god place and they are boiled to death. They melt the salt ly heat and in the work was they have to nm upon the midlag salt and very often they fast fall in, me it is finished, even their bones cot melted any. Magas an meorable me very lon. Hou are very long and of coured the are my agsidents at the end of these long hours of this is the Hind of mother one can hop control of himself for no longer than six hours. These worlata of dowry To Dove our organiser very well, and there was a spontaneous stride. don imow that or out of that strike.
sangat the minera there are old proletarians, although the majority are types that come ana go from the plantations all of these worlars have passant paycholog Then you have the ligt industry. Columbia is one of the most bestelard countries in Night Industry. There lo wey 111. t Industry what mentioned before a ns, copper, sining and of course ofi. Pis la sal controlled foreign companies, and now of the most profitable cotto alimtations as well. Later on you will see more to that extent Columbia really controlled foro sign spital. In light Indusvy. there is hardly any textile, afe plants, but most of the 11t stuty is clgarettes and elgare. Ac in geleni tural labore ons and wridentorios.
To go back to light Industry. There are very well planter that is mother directoristic.
there 1s not one plant in the whole goddan county shalch has more than 500 worlars. Most of loy botusen 50 to 100 or 150 and out to 300 workers. They are al factories, and the countration of the prolotariat is very feebles In all the asties then predominates the retty bourgeointed art and the world relatively for and not Gencentrated in his place. On the other hand the worlars concentrated on 2019 the United Fruit Oo. that takes in a territory 101 Connecticut. Mascadrutas and a tore ther much laces work to thousand people, it is totito De Chet 10 is not so aacy to organise.
then there is transportation. Columbia is very badly provided with transportation, other with railroads or with bondal There is just a motor of railwayt most of which are separate стой эпохи Документы Советской Элрии ros.
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