той похи ДОКУМЕНТЫ СОВЕТСКОЙ Эпоха http: savdoc. rusarchivos 52 3for the laboring and working classes of the Island The expansion and improvement of city, town or urban areas without the encwnbrance or restraint of private proprietorship.
Land reform, The compulsory Improvement of urban areas from which large profits are made by Trusts, Corporations, Combines or Companies. law to encourage the promotion of native industries. Jamaica University and Polytechnic. national opera house.
10. law to Impeach and imprison such judges who in dofiance of British Justice and constitutional rights will 1111c1tly enter into agreements and arrangements with lawyers and other persons of influence to deprive other subjects in the Realm of their rights in such Courts of Law, over which they may preside; forcing the innocent parties to incur the additional costs of appeals, and other legal expenses which would not have been, but for tho injustico occasioned by the 111icit arrangements of such judges with their friends.
The creation by law of a legal Aid Department to render advice and protection to such persons, who may not be able to have themselves properly represented and protected in Courts of Law, law for the imprisonment of any person who by duress or undue influence, would forco another person to vote in any publlc election against his w111.
The granting to the townships of Montego Bay and Port Antonio the Corporate rights of cities.
The beautifying and creating of the Kingston Race Course into a National Park, similar to Hyde Park in London, cko Ono 11.
TOKYMEHTEICO THOMONOX Hly activity at the Convention was mainly one of exposing the fraud and put forward our program. In the discussion on the economic cond 1tion of the Negro was granted the floor for 15 minutes. spoke for forty minutos, challening Garvey theories and his sincerity. outlined the program of tho and denounced his back to Africa and business schenes. And surprisingly, not even his most rabid followers raised any objections. After my speech he challenged me to a debate, which promptly accepted. This dobate, of course, gave me an unexpected opportunity to place our program before the masses. The debate took place on August 13th.
Fully 3000 people were present, even though an admission fee was charged. The subject of the debate WAS: Resolved that the Negro Problem can be solved only through International Labor Cooperation Garvey motives for staging the debate were twofold, firstly, financial gain, and secondly, it was an excellent opportunity to publicly come out for capitalism. He seized the occasion to assuro the bourgeoisie of Jamaica of his alliance with them and that they had nothing to fear from his propaganda, One or two quotations from his speoch during the debate will suffice: If we dare to destroy the capitalists, we are going to destroy the means of getting some of the good things of the world. Again: Who prevents the labourer from being a capitalist? If one man will exercise his нской эпохи Докутаты Советской эпохи http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru