
ОЙ ЭПОЖИ докуАМЕНТы советской эпохи, htuel sovdoc. lusarchivos Report on the Universal Negro Improvement Association Convention. August 1929.
By Huiswood As in the past, the Convention of the A; was little more than a talk foast. Thirty one days were wasted in cheap oratory, charges and counter charges of mis management and misappropriation of funds. Only from the reports of the rank and 1110 dolegates could ono got a picture of the real economic and political situation. confronting the legro masses. And invariably their speeches touched on the labor situation in the respective corrmunities. Only in the one session devoted to reports from delegates was thero semblance of reality in the Convention, when thoso delegates brought into the discussion the exploitation of Nogro labor and the race oppression from which the Negro workers suffor.
Garvey dominated the Convention from start to finish and ruled with an 1ron hand. And when any of his opponents dared to challenge him, his henchmen and the mob wore ready to throw him out or even resort to physical violence. Nevortheless there was an opposition group in the Convention, composed mainly of Americans. This group is definitely opposed to the rule of Garvey and opposed to the removal of the A, headquarters from America to Jamaica, where it will be under the complete domination of Garvey. This opposition is not one based on principles however. It is rather question of control of the finances of the organization and to break Garvey influence and power.
In spite of Garvey attitude towards the leaders of the opposition, whom he denounced during the Convention as scoundrels (though not naming any individuals) he was compelled, because of the conditions facing the organization, to have them elected to the highest posts, such as Assistant President General and Secretary General. Garvey realized well enough the disintegration taking place in the organization and further, that since he depended on America for his financial support, he could not afford to push aside these elements, though they are his bitterest opponents. It must also be taken into consideration that there are two organizations with the name During Garvey imprisonment, his önemies got control of the organization and it became the incorporated with Fred Toote as its President. After Garvoy deportation a split took place, Some of the members adhering to Garvey and others to Toote. As a result of this there were formed in a number of states Garvey Clubs Inc.
These Clubs are composed of the most loyal adherents of Harcus Garvey Apart from the fact that there has been a tremendous loss in membersnip, the is at present disintegrating. ten year record of nothing but failures, incompetent management and financial irregularities have caused a great deal of disaffection. And, adding fuel to the flame, he rewarded his enemies to the dissatisfaction and utter aig gust of his staunch supporters and friends. His action is interpreted by his supporters as an affront and will be one more source of disaffection.
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