
38 Істой зохи ДОКУМЕНТЫ са Пирин 8639, 26. VII. 31 02181427. JUL 1931 ydocru copies.
CONFIDEITIAL TO THE CARIBBEAN BUREAU: Dear Comrades, Having discussed your intention to publish a legal pkziodical for oixoulation in the taribbean countries of Latin America, the Secretariat, as an amplification of the special decision made on this question by the political Commission, vlahes to say that: The publieation of a legal periodical is certainly expedient, and far from meeting with any objections, must be fully endorsed. This periodical should not at first take the form of a popular m8. 8s organ, It should be a publieation capable of raising the political and theoretical standard of the Party and trade union cadres, and of training and educating a body of active workers. In connection with this character of the periodioal, the news columns should not be given a too prominent place, and the news themselves tzoa the Latin American and other countries must not only be a plecs of Information, but must serve as an exchange of experience, and analysis of mistakes and as a means of considering the tasks of the moment from a correct standpoint. chos This character of the periodical must not of course be made to interfere with its popularity. It goes without saying that to be a really legal periodical, It cannot be published on behalf or under the name of a Communist or revolutionary trade union organisation, The necessary form oan be best found by you on the spot.
HINDI The style of the periodical 18 subject to the same conside erations, but of course it must be such as to be Intelligable to ste readere, and that the political and theoretical part be written in olear and simple language. Quite orroneous was the formala in your FCKOT first decision of March 18th re; masking revolutionary Idean, Документы советской эгории eller http: sbydoc. rusarchives. ru NOX