
K 30 over, while stating that the rebellion, in spite of its potty bourgeois leudership, had a clear anti imperialist cha rueter, that the agricultural workers, and unemployed took an active part in it, at the same time you do not give any conorete indications of the immed ia te tasks of Communists in Honduras, on their partie ipation in this no vement, on linking up this no vement with the struggle for partial demands, on linking up the movement with the anti impôrialist strugsle of the workers and the pesants of Nica ra gua, or finally on usang the movement to form revolutionary TU and Party nuclei, local committees of the OP, ete, in the banana plantation zone.
b) In the same article you state that comrades must see that the leading role in the struggle belongs to the TOILI NG CLASS and the Communists. Your pa por. the organ of the Caribbean Bureau of the 31. must only use olear Na rxist Leninist terminology. However; there is no such term as the tolling class in labxist Leninism.
This term is indefinite has been used and is even now used by some our Cple of Latin American countries, and should be energetically combatted. RICOCROLLINO Nicara sua a) You write that in reality there is no TU organisation in Ticaragua. However, the intin Amerioun Section of the RILU during the Congress received a letter showing that the Nicaraguan Tu were leaving the Pan American Federation of labour and joining the LatinAmerican Confederation. Your statement in the press that there are no organised trada unions in Nicaragua máy be used by the reformists in their struggle against the campaign of the Latin Amerioan Confederation for winning over the Nicaraguan TU and getting them out of the Pan American Federation of labour.
with Communist greetings, THE LATIN AMERICAN SEORETARIAT OF THE ECCI кои Эрон Aloymesko CoseTeK nox help hevdoc.
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