
18 TO Sowderruarchou 48 we continue to make the necessary preparations for the launching of this magazine. It is to be a magazine for MASS CIRCULATION thus suprlementing the El Comuniste, which a paper mainly of propaganda and party organization.
magazine But in order to have a mass circulation the paper must be sold and distributed in the Caribbean countries IRGALLY, otherwise it will not reach the Ou pastes, au net get story ensegatsen illegally a magazine for mass un Latke.
masses. The question is this is it possible to circulate legally in the caribbean a nagazine that is published in the name of a communist organization and that speaks DPENLY in the name of communism? It is our unanimous opinion that this is at present IMPOSSIBIR. Hence, we have before us the following alternatives: a) to abandon for the present the idea of a magazine for mass circulation confining ourselves to the El Comunista aloСол ne; or b) publish sued a magazine but up not in the name of a comminist organization and not speaking OPENLY in the name of communism. We decided to choose the second alternative. Why? because the state of our there is prasitrally no REGULARLY Artist Anitatumalaammast puts in the Couillar movement in the Caribbean demands mass agitationsl organ and because it 18 POSSIBLE to utilize such an organ for the Leninist education of the mgsges even though we may be compelled to mask certain names and expression sions. OKSMEHTOI COBETCKOM ONOX We base ourselves on the experiences of various communist parties in capitalist and colonial countries where the parties are illegal. There the parties are straining every nerve to utilize all legal possibilities, small and in doing so they are maskine certain names and expressions.
as they may be, We also base ourselves on the organizational principles and practices of the CI to combine legal with illegal work. In our case, we have already published two issues of El Comuista. which is an illegal organ in the Caribbean, and we propose to COMBINE WITH THIS the publication of a legal magazine for mass circulation. SODATKE You say: to cover up the expressions and revolutionary ideas even though carefully done, as you say would serve to confuse more the mentality of the workers already confused and not to educate them in our revolutionary theories.
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