
Wocsaic corsideration that the fimdamental task for our perty at present in Cuba is the ideological and organizational formation of the CP and of its transformation into a mass party. We fullt agree with your formulation of the fundamental task of the communists in Cuba at the present time. But we cannot see any CONTRADICTION between the building of a nass party in Cuba and the mobilization of international support for thesetmisele of the Cuban masses.
On the contrary, one, help the other: international protests (especially in and Latin America)
the United Statesh against the Yankee Machado terror and support for the strikes and demonstrations of the Cuban masses is a very effective means of encouraging the revolutionary struggle and of the strenthening the fight of our Cuban party for leadership of these struggles. We must reiterate our request to the Latinoamerican Secretariat that steps be taken to familiarize the world revolutionary movement with the struckle in Cuba and to promote action of international solidarity with this struggle. On our proposals for the agitational magazine. Your criticisms of some of our decisions on this question compel us to seek further clorification of your point of viewon the matter. Your ceiticizms are based upon the Supplement to our minutes of Harchy 18th, 1921. This supplement contains a decision for the publication of TWO ORGANS, an official organ of the Buro AND magazine for mass circulation. Any discussion on the merits of one of these organs must take into consideration the fact that both are SUPPLEIENTARY 20 EACH OTHER, We were therefore surprised to see that your letter does not say a word about our decision to publish an official organ of the Buro. We hope that this oversight will be corrected in your next letter because we desire to know your opinion on this decision. By this time you already have two issues of the organ. El Comunista. May and June. so that you will be able to give us your opinion not only on our decision but on the execution of that decision.
The second orgen, the magazine for mass circulation, we have not yet companiet started because mainly of the lack of qualified Journalistic forces. But Документы Советской этики http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru