BourgeoisieCapitalismImperialismLeninLeninismRussian RevolutionSocialismWorking Class

ской эпохи Taivas ДОКУМЕНТЫ советско Мои http: sove chivos. ro revolution, which, in the present international situation, is possible in the colonies only against the national bourgeoisie (allied with the imperialists. and can triumph only on the condition that the proletariat conquers the hegemony, e. LEADERSHIP with regard to the peasantry, the exploited nationalities and some of the most exploited elements of the petty bourgeoisie in the towns.
But this is possible ONLY on the condition that the vanguard of the proletariat. Its CP, has a clearout proletarian class line independent of any hostile CLASS influence whatsoever. Blas How is it possible to forget about Lenin struggle with the SR8, Mensheviks OXI and other petty bourgeois parties of ola tsurist Russia when the atruggle for the bourgeois democratic revolution was still going on, as one of the prerequisites for victory? Finally, your stand is the result of a mechanical differentiation between the bourgeois democratic revolution and the proletarian revolution, completely ignoring both the Leninist presentation of the question of the transformation of the Russian bourgeois democrats revolution, and of the stand of the ci ith regard to the transformation of the into the prstats socialist revolution bourgeois demo oratio revolution in ba akward countries (especially colonial and semi colinial countries. But in the bourgeois democratic revolutions in colonial countries in the epoch of general crisis of capitalism and world proletarian revolution, pecally in the revolutions of the South and Central American countries, the germs of this transformation already exist in the bourgeois democratic revolution itself, even before its victory; the most important of these are the existence of a relatively important proletariat, led by the CP, and the hegemony of the proletariat. The matter must not be presented in such a way as to imply Tokywe TD COBETCK DX that the struggle for the transformation of the bourgeois http: soydoc. fusarchives. ru