
Ined soudlog. risarchivos. 8 the terrific white terror that followed we have been disconnected from them.
Steps have been taken to improve this situation. In Honduras there is a realization of the importance of the anti war struggle but not as yet any mass campaign on this question. In Venezuela, Panama and Costa Rica there is not even a realization of the grave tasks that the war situation imposos upon the communists.
Our Buro is aware of the inadmissibility of the laxity of our parties on the war question. Various steps have been taken by us to arouse the Caribbean parties to the seriousness of the situation and to thoir tasks. of these steps we will point out the most important ones. We have endeavoted to mako International Womun Day(March 8) and the Par. Comunine Day (March 18) days of mobilization of the masses for the anti war Wore struggle. Our publications for February (EC and Mo) devoted to that end. elaborate Subsequent to that we have issued 00 directives to all parties for the systematic unfolding of the anti war campaign showing our CC how to place the anti war struggle in the center of the party activity. These directives were 14 issued on February 12, and were later published in the March issue of EC.
Since then we are continually checking up each individual party, aiming to correct their specific weaknesses on this question, We have organized the preparations for May Day primarily as an anti war d9. The April 19gue of our two publications are devoted to this end. Also in the April issue of EC we undertake to criticize the specific weaknesses of several pointing parties on this question out how to overcome these weaknesses. We have organized jointly with the CPUSA a special Commission to work out measures for the stopping of the shipment of munitions to Japan from US and Carib bean ports. This Commission will soon begin to function. OBETCKOMONOX We have taken the intiative to propose to the CC of the CPUSA and to the South American Buro the issuanco of an anti war appeal in the name of all Communist Parties of the Americas. This has been agreed to and the appeal will soon be 1ssued. This, in our opinion, will considerably stimulate the development of the anti war campaign in Latin America.
From the above it is obvious that there exists in the Caribbean a most terДокументы Советской ки http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru