ImperialismImperialist WarSovietURSS

March 23, 1932.
279513 APR. 1932 Dear Comrades: This is intended as a preliminary report on the anti war activities of the Caribbeah parties and of our Buro 2010 MEXICO. The cc 1s Just beginning to unfold a mass agitation on this 19sue. It has published several leaflets for wide distribution. It has succeeded to some extont in making the anti war struggle more or less prominent in the Hunger Marches, street demonstrations and mass meetings on National Unemployment Day on February 26th. But here too the struggle against the war played a very subsidiary were part. There was no speeches made to the masses on this question. The question of stopping the shipment of war materials to Japan from Mexican ports has occupiou the attention of the CC and e various practical steps are being taken in that direction.
CUBA. The CC has not yet even begun to develop any mass agitation on this question although some anti war slogans are linked up in the current campaigns of the party, such as, against the Chadbourne Plan, against the white terror, etc. There took place two smallanti war demonstrations which have not been followed up with any serious work for mass mobilization. The question of stopping the shipment of war materials has not yet been places even on the agenda of the cc.
COLOMBIA. While the party there has been unfolding serious mass struggles, vecially for unemployment rellef, the question of war has been practically absont from all these struggles. Neither in the party organ, nor in the other agiand tation material, is there any reference to the imperialist war against China. to the immediate danger of war against the Soviet Union. The most astounding thing is that on National Unemployment Day (February 29. which involved roalky large masses in street demonstrations all ovor the country, despite the last minupolice te raids and arrrests of many leading comrades, the war issue was almost totally absent. In Colombia there was not even a beginning for the mass mobilization against the war.
In the other parties and groups the situation is not any better. From Salvador and Guatemala we have no information since the uprising in Salvador and FloxymeHTE Codercko Onox http: sovdoc. rusarchives. ru