AnarchismUnited Front

ASTCHIV On Unemployment. As in many Latin American countries, there is no kind of unemployment statistics here, Approximately, the figure can without exaggeration be estimated at 500, 000, Considering that the population of the island is 3, 500, 000, one can see that this figure is enormously to large. And there is no question of relief. The newspaper Pais has opened a kitchen for publicity purposes. This example was imitated by a tow philantropie ladies. The president sent his wife to the opening of the kitchen; this is all the government has done. put this question immediately after my arrival. Unforunately we lost much time until something was done in an organizational way. The next day the whole thing fell into the hands of the police, Coromiosion was elected which is responsible for the unemployment campaign. The climax of the campaign shall be the calling of an unemployed congress. On this question wanted to get your advice, received a letter from Albert on the International Unonployment Day in which he tolls me that the date has not yet been fixed. If was in a position to set the day of the congress on this date, we could already use this date for agitation. The comrades here were dissatisfied with the change from March 21. They think that the workers here consider March 21 already a historical Dey of Struggle against Unemployment. think that we could do good work in this regard. What is your opinion on agitation for the calling of an unemployed congress? have adapted the slogans and forms of organization to the local conditions, but they do not differ much from the organizational forms and demands adopted by the If you are interested in this work, can send you a copy. Meetings of working and unemployed workers will be called this week, for the formation of unemployed committee, recently gave out a call which made a very good impression. But the mistake was that it was not connected with organisational work, On the Confederation and the general Secretary. It was very difficult for me to get some kind of a picture of the Confederation, that is the figures of the eff111ated unions, the character of the unions etc. This means that there is a rather bed order there. But the question is now not the business end of it, but the political line of the Confederation. shall give a detailed characteristic of the aff111atod unions in the next lottor. Now just want to mention that it would be wrong to think that it is an organization of our own, We have a majority, we can now and then carry out our decisions, but we have a lot of work to perform yet in order to ave capture the Confederation. This is no paradox, o have to do some profoun and thorough work to malce revolutionary trade union organization out of this organization. It was one of the biggest mistakes of the former party leadership not to see that the Confederation is slowly slipping out of our hands, In order to protect ourselves against defeat in the voting of our proposals, we always have to mobilize that not one of our fraction should be aboont, otherwise we are voted dom. One can say that a non party fraction has the cristallyzed itself in the Confederation which almost always votes unitedly against our proposals. The first thing that suprised me, was the fear of our comrades of the plenary sessions. One was afraid to use the word politics in the manifestos, because the Anarcho Syndicalists don allow that of the CSLA one might speak only as an organization for which one has a 80to sperk platonic sympathy. Against the government one might only talk in lukewarm te expressions. About the social traitors. speak only cautiously and with coneideration. There were no fractions in the yellow organizations that belong to the Confederation, or where there were any they did not work. The general fraction of the Confederation mot only shortly before the plenary sessions. It is evident that this situation and the wrong Party Line resulted in this wild policy of a united front with the leaders of the yellow unions. Now we have the following situation: the more important unions, as the motorists (probably automobile drivers, transl. and street car workers, printers, electric calworkore, tabac employes etc. are against us. It is not impossible that they will use some pretext to leave the Confederation. As there is a number of unions which are not affiliated with any conter, they will have the possibility to form their om center. On the other hand, there is a number of unions which are negotiation with the Confederation to affiliate with it.
Our comrades have after the change in the leading Party organs taken a too left course, worked only on the basis of the voting majority and did not try to maneuver with the unions which are against us Inside the Confederation so that we ourselves contribute to the acceleration of the split. The worst ie, as have already explained above, that Документы Советской эпохи http: soydoc. rusarchives. ru