
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

king compromises and relations with the Party, renouncing the tour, and keeping the declarations that he was forced to make against the government. The help of Portes Gil to Sandino can only be explained as a new maneuver of imperialism which needs the beginning anew of the ar med struggle to obtain new benefits and advantages aside from those obtained up till now, either thru a stronger pleasure on Moncada under the menace of a possible Sandinist triumph or else reaching an understanding with Sandino in case that his movement will acquire strength. Regardless of the ulterior road of even 1468 Sandino will have success in adventure or that he the undeniable fact is that the struggle against imperialism its Nicaraguan instruments, can be considered a receipt of the Nicaraguan workers as well as of the whole consequently Sandino has ceased to be an anti imperialist himself into a petty bourgeoisie caudillo struggling for power representing in fact the role of agent of imperialism. The CC resolves to ask the Communis Parties of the Americas and of Europe as well as the Communist fractions of the Continental Committee of Ladla, its National Sections thru out the Continent, and of the Central Council of the League against Imperialism, to let the working masses. The CC appeals to the workers and peasants to continue the struggle against imperialism on the basis of the resolutions of the Frankfort Congress, combatting and unmasking mercilessly the open of masked lackeys of imperialism amongst whom figures already the lead er of he so called Army for the Defense for Nicaraguan Sovereignty, opposing to Sandinism and all other Liberal Nationalist petty bourgeoisie and pseudo anti imperialist tendencies the just concept of the anti imperialist struggle based upon a powerful mass movement, in the resolute cooperation of the revolutionaries of the imperialist metropolis with the workers and poor peasants of other Latin American countries, the only once capable of struggling to the and against imperialism and its National Agents for the liberation of all oppressed people. Finally the CC resolves to publish a booklet for the workers and peasant masses of the Continent with all the documents relative to our relations with Sandino and with an explanation clear and simple of the auses, the motives and the role of his betrayal to the Anti Imperialist and revolutionary movement thru out the world.
WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE Mexico, June 1930 Documento deteriorado