ImperialismSandinoWorkers MovementWorking Class

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

peal to the workers of Nicaragua and he Continent, appealing to them to join the ranks of the for the strugg1466gainst imperialism and its lackeys, particularly the leaders of the Copa including the Latin American governments. We transcribed some paragraphs of his appeal because the y characterize very clearly Sandino state of mind in those days: In this criminal work imperialism does not count only with a still more repugnant agent, the organism and leaders, that is, Trade Union functionaries, but with crumbs soaked with the blood of the colonial exploited masses. These leaders endeavor to take a hold of the labor movement to infect it with collaborationist germs, deviating it from the road of the revolutionary struggle, the only efficient method to struggle against imperialism and its continental lackeys. Besides these enemies of the working class, there are charlatan left Nationalists who with gesture and demagogic phraseology retard the crystallization of a real anti imperialist movement based on the exploited workers and peasants of Latin America. Up to now our army recognizes the support which the sincere revolutionists have given us in our bitter struggle. but with the sharpening of the struggle, with the increasing pressure on the part of the Yankee bankers, the vacillato rs, the timid, because of the character of the struggle, will abandon us; because only the workers and peasants will go to the end, only their organized strength will triumph. Comrades from Nicaragua and all those who find themselves unorganized and outside of the ranks of the Latin American Confederation of Labor; in the name of the heroic soldiers of the Army Defender of the National Sovereignty of Nicaragua, we say to you. ORGANIZE, your place is in the ranks of the Latin American Confederation of abor, the only trade union organization which defender the interests of the working class.
The liberal Nationalist confusion of Sandino revealed itself again (as for Marti report to the CC) when formulating the appeal, Sandino eliminated a paragraph proposed by the representative of the RILU in which he spoke of the solidarity with the workers of the US with the Latin American workers and peasants. Sandino continued considering imperialist all the people of the United States. From Merida, March 7, Sa ndino wrote to the CC acknowledging receipt of the resolution of the 22nd of Feb. expressing his agreement with said resolution and promising to act in accordance with it. He wrote textually: We are in complete agreement whit the points of view of the res olution approved by the CC in relation with the whole imperialist situation, in what Confederación Obrera Panamericana.