BourgeoisieImperialismSandinoUnited Front

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

betrayed by the Mexican government and abandoned by all, expects to find in us the help that he needs.
The second: But at the same time we believe that Sandino does not want to break openly with the petty bourgeoisie elements from whom up till now he has been expecting help and whose cooperation he considers relatively possible yet.
And third: In view of the above we believe that we must deal with Sandino prudently providing for possible maneuvers and combinations contrary to our concepts of the anti imperialist struggle, for example in what pertains to the conference which Sandino himself has proposed to the Latin American government to deal with the construction of the Nic araguan canal with Latin American capital, placing it as he said within the Latin American nationality. But we believe also that Sandino present situation (disillusioned as he seems to be with the Portes Gil government and with no illusions about the future government of Ortiz Rubio) exists for our Party the possibility of maneuvering with him and continuing to use him for anti imperialist agitation on the continent and perhaps in Europe.
In this same letter to the American Party we let know our plan hich consisted in presenting with rudeness and clarity our points of view in relation to the different aspects of the Nicaraguan question and to propose to him and anti imperialist agitational tour on the continent and in Europe, basing his future activities on the resolutions of the World Anti Imperialist Congress of Frankfort. Anticipating the acceptance by Sandino of our conditions we requested the American Party to take up the question with the League Imperialism for the help required for the realizatio of this plan. In doing this the League was only to fulfill the offer made to Sandino thru his representative at the Frankfort Congress. Sandino arrived in Mexico and we had the first conversation with him on the 20th of January. We explained to him ou approach to the AntiImperialist struggle in the present period refuting his falls conception of the united front, his illusions about the Latin American government and his projected Latin American Conference to discuss the question of the canal; we analyzed the true role of the Mexican government in relation to Nicaragua and in relation to the general colonization of the continent by imperialism and presented him with the basis upon which we will continue rendering our help. The results of this conferenc e were as follows: Sandino period our approach to the Anti imperialist struggle in the present period and therefore the resolutions of the Frankfort Congress. He agreed to undertake the tour putting himself at the disposal of the