BourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSandinoUnited FrontWorking Class

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

abundant moral courage to throw, with energy, the responsibility of the act to whoever be guilty and we are responsible only for our own acts. He made new allusions to the united front and an important confession: Within the plan of anti imperialist struggle in the form of the united front we have seen that all classes endeavor to struggle in defense of such interests which who are in conflict with those of imperialism and the form of the united front we have carried our struggle up to th e present; but unfortunately the majority of the social classes which make our America with the exception of the working class have avoided the struggle and have denied even our right to defend ourselves. And lastly he did justice to our Party in the foll owing paragraphs: this message is not a report that we are making to our headquarters on our activities but an apology to the Communist Party of Mexico which we recognize as part of the world anti imperialist vanguard and therefore the standard bearers of the universal emancipatory rights, being the CP of Mexico from whom we have received the greatest support in our anti imperialist struggles in Nicaragua. Immediately after we received Sandino letter, dated Jan. 2, the CC was informed to the effect th at Sandino was coming to Mexico City and decided to await his arrival to meet with and discuss with him personally all questions. The CC realized that Sandino was nothing else but a petty bourgeoisie liberal, nationalist, leader of a movement whose true si gnificance he himself did not understand and for these very reasons his connections with elements of the Mexican bourgeoisie and his tendencies for maneuvering with them illusioned with their promises to help, was dangerous to deal with. But in the meantime, the CC that it possible to make use of him since circumstances would oblige him to look for support to our Party as soon as he would realize that the Mexican government could not and did not want to help him. In this situation we received a new letter rom Sandino dated in Merida the 8th of Jan. in which he protested the institution of his sell out to imperialism and asking for a public declaration from the Party, the CC of Ladla, and Mafuenic since in the cable published by the press it was stated that this organization had begun an investigation. The CC answered immediately denying this last news report and assuring him that none of the organizations mentioned had anything to do with the matter. On Jan. 18th, the CC addressed the American Party info rming them as to the state of our relations with Sandino and the perspectives that the situation presented to us.
This letter contained three paragraphs which we are transcribing here because of their importance in relation to the true point of view of the CC.
The first: to put in plainly our opinion is that Sandino finding himself