BourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyWorking Class

Informe del delegado del PC del Uruguay a la Komintern 1923 02 25 last month upward of 9, 000 copies. it takes third place among newspapers of Montevideo. it enjoys prestige and the sympathies of the proletariat which considers it as the defender of its interests. Its assiduous propaganda its resolute and valiant campaigns, its vigorous criticism, have won for it the disdain of the bourgeoisie which considers it as a dangerous enemy.
Relations with the fraternal Parties.
The international relations of the Communist Party of Uruguay have necessarily remained quite restricted, for the reason that in spite of all effo rts it did not succeed in establishing contact either with the central organs of the Communist International or with a majority of the sections that compose this International. The Party has maintained more or less regular relations with the Communist Party of Argentina.
Af the present time the Party has one seat in the National Congress, Departmental deputies ar Montevideo and one at Paysandu.
Comrade Secretary: The Communist Party of Uruguay, having integrally adopted the 21 conditions for incorporation in the Communist International, having directed its action, without hesitation or deviation, along the limits outlined by the International, beg of you, on behalf of the Executive Committee of the Communist Party of Uruguay, for incorporation in the Co mmunist International because the Party desires at the quickest possible moment become attached to the revolutionary ranks when aim to replace the capitalist regime by a more harmonized state of society wherein there shall be no exploiters and no exploited.
My communist greetings to Comrade Secretary, and through him, to all the members of the Execut1609Committee of the Communist International.
Francisco Pintos Delegate to the Communist Party of Uruguay.
Original escrito a máquina, en inglés 495 131 29 32.
Francisco Pintos. Véase la nota 46.