BolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyGermanyRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartyWorld War

Informe del delegado del PC del Uruguay a la Komintern 1923 02 25 The success so easily obtained, the criticizing activities and the projects presented to the Chamber by the deputy from the Party, and the most intense development of propaganda have resulted in great increase of membership and the constituting of new gro ups in various circuits of the Capital city of the Republic, as well as in the Departments of Paysandu, Mercedes, Flores Mines. In the year 1911 was founded the organ El Socialista. maintaining belonging to the Party.
This organ was discontinued only af ter the founding of the Justicia. at present the central organ of the Communist Party.
The Socialist Party of Uruguay has belonged to the nd International only in principle, for the Party took the steps for formal adherence, it did not pay the contribution, and at the Congress of the International it was represented by the Socialist Party of Argentina.
It was perhaps due to this lack of contact with the nd International, or to the very youthfulness of the Party, that the Socialist Party of Uruguay carried on, within the then prevailing limits, a frankly left wing form of activity which certainly distinguished it from the Social Democratic Parties. uring the world war the Party protested against the war, in spite of the obstacles raised by the Government in deference to neutrality; the Party pointed out the war as a clash of divergent capitalist interests at stake. And when the Uruguayan Government dictated the rupture of diplomatic relations with Germany, the Executive Committee arranged public manifest ations and published a manifesto of protest, denouncing the manoeuvre which was to involve the country in direct intervention in the war.
The attitude of the Party towards the Russian Revolution.
Ever since the Bolshevist Party came to power in Russia, the Socialists of Uruguay manifested their sympathies towards the great proletarian Republic, untiringly defending her against all the systematic attacks made by her adversaries, comprehending that the Revolution has entered into a new period and its action is bound to reverberate through the entire world.
The Socialist Party and the Communist International.
The question of the International having been put on the order of the day nd at the same time as the treason and counter revolutionary action of the International became revealed, a discussion arose within our Party on the question of joining the Communist International, in spite of the fact that the Party remained isolated, obtaining no other information except the lies disseminated by the telegraphic agencies and furnished by the bourgeois press.