
Informe de Machado y la discusión posterior del informe 1929 11 00 propaganda and organisation in Venezuela under peaceful conditions. Our agitators and organizers would soon pay with their lives, and their sacrifice would not bring any fruit. We are confronted with the necessity of participation the coming crisis which will be a military crisis, and do not see how we can comply with o ur duty unless it is on a military basis also.
In answer to a question about the first expedition: About two month after our expedition, another one went to Venezuela from the Baltic Sea, starting from Germany, and headed by militarists who had served the present Dictator, and who feared that the communists had a stronghold in Venezuela; they arrived to counter act our activities. British imperialism really supported this expedition, and the heads of this bourgeois militarist movement met in conferenc es in Paris, France, and among other things decided to shoot at sight the members of the known to them as communists.
There are but one or two workers organizations created by the Dictatorship and controlled by it. These organizations function in na me only; their membership is unknown because they have no activities, and the leaders are bourgeois employees of the government. There is no secret organization of peasants, nor a general movement, unless we should consider that the feudal condition under which they live.
Of tremendous importance are the spontaneous political strikes which took place during the course of last year in Caracas, Maracaibo, La Guayra and Puerto Cabello, and headed by women office workers and students. The strike was to demand the freedom of about 200 students imprisoned in the Castle of Puerto Cabello. The strike was of such magnitude that all commercial establishments were closed during three days. It was purely a political strike. It happened on Friday, but every one returne to work on Monday next without knowing why and what it was all about. The strikers did not win their demands. During these three days the government found itself before a crisis; frequent clashes between the mili tary, the police and the strikers and students took place. Many workers and strikers were killed, but several policemen were stoned to death, because the workers had no arms what soever, but stones and legs of wood. The agitation, or rather the uneasiness has not ceased especially in Caracas. Right after these strikes a military coup état took place, and the presidential palace was seized, but because of the insufficient military preparation, and the poor leadership, it was a failure.
Many military students, and many young officers in the arm y, took part in this rebellion.
Question: What were the after effects in Curaçao of the revolt?