Notas del Secretario del PC de EEUU Browder sobre la situación en México 1937 08 20 NOTAS DEL SECRETARIO DEL PCEU BROWDER SOBRE LA SITUACION EN MEXICO 20 de agosto de 1937 escrito a mano: Andre Marty Secretariat Confidential. 1515 From Comrade Andre Marty.
Note on Situation in Mexico.
Note From Sec y: CC of CP USA (May 4th, 1937. Extracts) 1516 It seems that Toledano is completely under the domination of the Big Chief (1) 1517in the country. While in his office, we have repatedly seen how 1514Véase la nota 483.
1515Véase la nota 445.
1516Véase la nota 307ç 1517Se refiere a Lázaro Cárdenas.