
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

was the most important aspect of the question, everything else being secondary.
Being aware of the ability of Portes Gil and on the other hand knowing that Sandino was a petty bourgeoisie liberal oscillating between us and the liberal bourgeoisie, we gave great importance to the speed of our maneuver to bring Sandino out of Mexico. In our letter of Feb. to the American Party we expressed the following tho ughts for the CC: Due to the urgency of the case we insist that you, in order to help us, obtain as soon as possible the necessary means to transport Sandino to Berlin, where, in our opinion, he could discuss with the comrades of the World League whether advisable to proceed to Moscow as he wishes. The important thing at present is to take him away from Mexico in order to beat any possi ble maneuver from the Mexican government. We did not receive an answer from the American Party. In the middle of Feb. confronted with the persecutions which followed the attempted assassination of Ortiz Rubio, the CC thought it necessary to revise its line on the question of Sandino, arrived at the conclusion that it could not continue authorizing Sandino silence because in such a grave situation this silence was increasing the prevailing confusion among the masses and strengthening the rumors about andino sell out. on the other hand the passivity and the silence of an anti imperialist such as Sandino, was inadmissible at a period when the Mexican Government was committing all sorts of crimes and persecutions. The Secretariat of the CC made a draf resolution which expressed the need that Sandino over at the risk of compromising the success of our plan begin the struggle against the Mexican Government without swatting the answer from Berlin about his tour. Thru Comrade Marti 1463we handed to Sandino a copy this draft resolution and let him know that in the opinion of the CC the first attack against the government must take place at the Congress of the1464sant League to which he had been invited to speak by Ursulo Galvan and which was to inaugurate its sessions in a few days. Sandino was awaiting the opinion of the CC as to whether it was convenient or not to come to the convention and CC considered that we must take advantage of this opportunity, because Sandino attack at the convention where politicians and government functionaries were to be present, would have logically a great repercussion inside as well as outside of the convention. But on the contrary, on the 17th of Feb. he sent a 1464Agustín Farabundo Martí. Véase la nota 1140.
Véase la nota 1357.