
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

senting the Continental Committee of Ladla as well as Comrade General Augusto Sandino and the members of the General Staff withous any reserves reach the conclusion that the anti imperialist activities in the Continent can only be effective and efficient if they base themselves in a mercilles and bifrontal struggle against imperiali sm and its national allies, the ruling classes and the governments of the Latin American Countries without exception; of the practical internationalization of the revolutionary struggle and the harmony between the armed action against imperialist military aggressions and the political and trade union movement of the oppressed masses, workers and peasants of the Continent. The minutes were signed by Sandino and bear the seal of his army. The CC sent copies to the Latin American Section of the ECCI, the Sout American Secretariat at Buenos Aires and to the American Party. On Feb. 6th, we had a meeting with Sandino and he gave us two letters, 1462 for Henri Barbusse and another one for Comrade Münzenberg of the League Against Imperialism, in which he decla red his acceptance of the resolutions of the Frankfort Congress with all its practical consequences as well as placing himself at the disposal of the League.
These letters were sent to the American Party to be mailed to their destinations, with our letter of Feb. in which we insisted about the need of resolving without further delay the question of the tour and informing them about the information given to us by Sandino in a conversation the previous day as follows: That the Mexican Government had offere him a plantation in Michoacan so that he should dedicate himself to agriculture, an often which he refused. That he was thinking of bringing out the people he had in Merida (30 men) thru Quintana Roo instructing them to re unite themselves with the forces he left in Nicaragua so that they should continue the struggle during his trip to Europe. That if possible he would like to go to Moscow to discuss the Nicaraguan question with the ECCI.
At the time the CC considered that Sandino could be utilize to unmask the Mexican government which upon instructions from Washington had broken relations with the Soviet and which therefore would serve in the struggle against the War danger and the defense of the USSR. For us this 1462Véase la nota 872.
Véase la nota 1408.