Anti-imperialist LeagueImperialismMarxismSandino

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

League against Imperialism. He was to make public declarations against the Mexican government at the moment that the Party would consider opportune. That the Party will conduct the negotiations with the World League for the realization of the tour and until the answer rom Berlin was received Sandino would maintain a discrete and prudent attitude towards the Mexican government. That a meeting was to be held of the representatives of the Party, the Continental Committee of Ladla and of Mafuenic with the assistance o some Anti Imperialist intellectuals to liquidate all the pending questions of Mafuenic. to dissolve it and define the anti imperialist concept of the struggle which was to serve as a base for the re organization of the CC of Ladla.
The result of this first meeting with Sandino was communicated to the American Party with copies for the Latin American Secretariat of the ECCI and for the South American Sec. in Buenos Aires in letter of Jan. 30th. In this letter we insisted on the need of obtaining as soo as possible decision of the League against Imperialism for the proposed tour. At the same time we sent an official declaration of the Continental Com. of Ladla to be published in New York and Europe, denying the versions in relation to Sandino sell out.
On the third of February took place the meeting with the Party representatives, Central Committee of Ladla and Mafuenic with Sandino and the Anti Imperialist intellectuals. At this meeting were present: for the CC of the Party, Laborde 1451; for the Continental Committee of Ladla, Lafarga 1452 and Contreras 1453; for Mafuenic, Carlos Leon 1454, Frederico Bach and Rafael Ramos Pedrueza. for the Anti Imperialist intellectuals, Vicente 1451Hernán Laborde. Véase la nota 434.
1452Gastón Lafarga (nombre verdadero: Manuel Antonio Romero Zurita. 1897 1958. Se afilió a la FJCM y fue secretario de una célula de la FJCM (1927. En este mismo año ingresó en el PCM y fue responsable de la sección jurídica del Socorro Rojo (19281930. Miembro del CE de la CSUM y del CC del PCM (1929. 1454Vittorio Vidali. Véase la nota 1391.
Carlos de León (1868 1942. Fue uno de los opositores a la dictadura gomecista en Venezuela por lo que fue encarcelado durante añ os y luego tuvo que emigrar. En su exilio fue uno los fundadores del Partido Republicano (1922) y luego del Partido Revolucionario Venezolano (1926. esta última de orientación abiertamente marxista. Colaboró con la Liga Antiimperialista de las Américas y fue invitado a Moscú para discutir los problemas venezolanos en 1927.
1455Véase la nota 85.