Anti-imperialismImperialismLiberalismSandinoUnited Front

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

with larger elements. Explaining the question of the thousand dollars; affirming that he never made any concrete accusation against Machado but only that he simply hed reproached the non publication of the pamphlet. He tried to justify his projected Latin American Conference, basing himself in the old conception of Anti imperialism front which compressed the workers, peasants, students, intellectuals, petty merchants, and industrialist, all elements whose vital interests ere opposed to imperialism. The most expressive paragraph textually read: being the Latin American government representative of the classes which comprise the Anti imperialist front it is necessary to actives them against imperialism and that once and for all the mentioned classes convince themselves of the incapacity of the Latin American governments to face Imperialism. On his plans of the end of 1920 consisted of the establishment of a provisional government with Dr. Zepeda as president he explained that he considered the necessary in view of the claudication of Dr. Sacasa, whom by reaching and understanding with imperialism had deprived the armed struggle of the legal basis, leaving it open to the charge of banditry, as the imperialists praise was already doing. In order to justify the candidacy of Zepeda he transcribed some paragraphs of the letter which he addressed by in Dic. 1928 to Comrade Machado. The fundamental concept of said letter are: It is necessary that the enemies of the freedom of Nicaragua and of the whole continent de not continue making the mental confusion of the different social classes that should struggle against imperialism, making us appear as radicals at the moment when the struggle should be conducted in the United Front manner and that consequently all the social elements that declare themselves aga inst imperialism and who make their declaration effective should be included in the struggle liberalism embodies within itself different social strates and if at the present moment we make differentiations between these stratas we will go against logic and against our own interests it is urgent that a reconciliation in the Nicaraguan family takes place and as an immediate step we should offer the opportunity that the liberalism unifies itself on the basis of considering Moncada as a traitor of the Liberal Party.
In the same letter of Jan. 2, Sandino lamented the fact that Mafuenic should not have accepted his representation in Jan. of 1929 and manifested his inconformity with the criticism of the issue of May of El Libertador.
There was also an allusion to the Mexican government as follows: We do not pretend to defend anyone and we do not fail to understand that our situation could be taken advantage of by someone; we will never allow ourselves as instruments because who have been born sufficientl y manly and with