
Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

outs of the CC which found in he declarations of Sandino no satisfactory explanation about his departure fro Nicaragua nor about the conditions under which he entered Mexico. In the interview held at Veracruz the question of the receipt for a thousand dollars that Sandino handed to his Mexican representative, Comrade Machado, value that was to be covered by the means of collection for the publishing of a pamphlet, was settled. It was explained to Sandino that is was not possible to collect the thousand dollars; that, due to this is has been impossible to publish the pamphlet and the receipt was in the hands of Dr. Carlos Leon, of Mafuenic and was to be returned him at an opportune date. An agreement was signed between Sandino and the Mafuenic delegates for the dissolution of the Committee and for the transfer of all the matters of said committee to the Continental Committee of Ladla.
Sandino left for Merida (state of Yucatan) without visiting Mexico and making declarations to the press in which he insisted on the question of the pamphlet and the thousand dollars in such a form that Comrade Machado honesty of procedure appeared in a shady manner. The CC wrote to Merida to Comrade Agustin Marti, private secretary of Sandino, a member of the Party, letting him know our doubts and asking him for information about the attitude and future plans of Sandino as well a his relations to the Mexican Government. By the end of 1929 it was evident to the CC that the Portes Gil government served as an instrument of Washington to bring Sandino out of Nicaragua and confine him to Merida, remaining the doubt if whether Sandino was leading himself consciously to this maneuver or was being deceived in this situation we wrote to Marti in Dec. 1929 informing; of the point of view of the CC on the following three fundamental question: a) The conference of Latin American governments hat Sandino proposed to convene to discuss his projects of the construction of the Nicaraguan canal with Latin American capital b) The role of the Mexican Government on the Nicaraguan question and particulary in regard to Sandino c) correct approach of the Anti Imperialist in relation to the Latin American government. The object of this letter was to put an end the situation of ambiguity between Sandino and ourselves and to obtain facts and deeds in order to adopt a definitive attitude in relation to andino.
3) Marti let Sandino read our letter in order to accelerate the clarification of our respective positions, and the result was a very ample letter from Sandino dated Jan. 2, 1930 and addressed to the Central Committee. He endeavored to explain in this letter the reasons for his exit from Nicaragua, giving us to understand that the situation of the Army was unmaintainable and that he was forced to come to Mexico to look for support to continue his struggle