Anti-imperialist LeagueImperialismSandino

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

ding bucauneers. And Sandi1449cemed to have bitten the bait. plan betraved by the poet Turcios. and which consisted, judging by the letters published by him, for the abandonment of Nicaraguan territory in order to invade again as soon as possible after the the marines have retired and overthrow Moncada, permits us to make this judgment. Further more, the fact that Sandino in this plan proposed Dr. Zepeda, agent of Yankee imperialism, as Candidate for the Presidency of Nicaragua, is very significant. The plan revealed by Turcios, unknown then by our organization, as well as the most recent one published by the Continental Press, in which Sandino invites all the Government of America, agents of imperialism, for a conference in Buenos Aires to discuss whether th e capital that must be invested in the opening of the Nicaraguan Canal should be all or partially of bankers, forces us to call the atention of the organizations to the future of the struggle in Nicaragua and to make the following declaration: The Anti Imperialist League of the Americas considers that if the situation of the Nicaraguan struggle due to the increase of the Yankee invading forces, as well as because of the betrayal of the natives, the impossibility obtaining amunition, food, etc. makes the war against the invaders unsustainable for a longer time, there is only one way for the Army of Liberation: to transfer their action to other fields of the struggle against imperialism, without accepting any compromise which directly or inderectly be ade by the Invaders. The struggle against Imperialism cannot be conceived as circumscribed to only one piece of territory of America, the struggle in Continental and International. trench other members of the Party with the aim of enlarging the Anti Imperialist ranks in some other place in the Continent will not be desertion.
2) By the middle of 1929, Sandino abandoned Nicaragua under mysterious conditions without previously informing the Mafuenic Committee.
The Party adopted the attitude of reserve, roviding that Sandino might have placed himself in the field of claudication and compromise. When he arrived in Vera Cruz in June, he was interviewed by Comrades Bach and De la Plaza1450, representatives of Mafuenic (both members of the Party, because at that time Bach was not yet expelled. Bach, as well as De la Plaza returned very well impressed by Sandino; but they did not succeed in banishing the Froylán de Jesús Turcios (1877 1943. Poeta hondureño, es considerado uno de los intelectuales hondureños más importantes de principios del siglo XX. Fue colaborador en El Libertador (de América Central, 1926. el órgano de la Liga Antiimperialista de las 1450icas.
Salvador de la Plaza. Véase la nota 134.