Anti-imperialist LeagueCommunismCommunist PartyImperialismSandinismSandino

Resolución del CC del PCM sobre el caso de Sandino [1930-06-04]

By the end of 1928, the Hands of Nicaragua committee, controlled by the Communist Party and thru which all the campaigns supporting Sandino have been made, began to observe certain ambiguities and vacillations in the behavior of the Jefe del Ejercito Defensor de la Soberanía Nacional de Nicaragua (Chief of the Nicaraguan Sovereignity Defending Army. In January 1929, Sandino made proposals to the Mafuenic Committee to represent the Army which up to then was represented by Comrade ustavo Machado 144. The Committee did not accept it and in a resolution on April 8th, demanded from Sandino a clear and definite definition of his concepts of the Anti Imperialist struggle and an explanation about the plan through which he was nominating Dr. Zepeda as the President of Nicaragua as soon as it was evacuated by the American troops and Moncada over thrown by the Sandinist forces The Continental Committee of the Anti Imperialist League of the Americas published in its organ El Libertador. issu e of May, 1929, an article which explained the attitude of Mafuenic. This article expressed with exactitude our position then in the following paragraphs. The two years of continued fighting in Nicaragua have shown to the masses of the Continent that we can resist the Yankees invasion, in spite of their formidable military and economic strength. The masses have been agitated and in many places of America have the conviction that only thru their own actions will they be able to defend themselves from the imperialist agents, the National traitors. And it is the realization of this fact that has given worries to the White House. During his trip to Latin America Mr. Hoover and his entourage of flatterers had the opportunity to convince themselves that the masses sooner of later will sweep away the leadership of the traitors, and with them the possibility of dominating our countries. Hence not being able to pacify Nicaragua, they should intend by different methods to force Sandino to peace offers with his ow father, then thru their Cancillery in Central America and Mexico, they began a whole series of negotiations tending to convince him that, as soon as he would retire from Nicaragua, the Marines will evacuate the country, leaving it free of the inva1448Gustavo Machado Morales (1898 1973. uno de los dirigentes de la Universidad Popular «José Martí» y de la Liga Antimperialista de Cuba. En México participó en la creación del Partido Revolucionario Venezolano en 1926 y fue elegido su Secretario General.
Fue secretario nacional de la sección venezolana de la LADLA (1926 1927. en 1927 participó como delegado de la sección nicaragüense de la LADLA y del PSR de Colombia en el Congreso Mundial Antiimperialista, celebrado en Bruselas. En 1946 fundó el Partido Comunista Venezolano Unitario, tras la unificación de dos PP. CC. venezolanos fue elegido secretario del CC del PCV.